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I propose a new type of event.

edited April 2005 in Game Suggestions
Shouldn't there be an event thats all about a dogs guarding/protection abilities? <br>A dog with high loyalty and aggression would excel in that event.<br><br>It would be for dogs like dobermans, rottweilers, pit bulls and other breeds bred specifically for that purpose.<br><br>What do yal think?<br><br>What would that event be called? Protection? Guarding? ATTACK!?
NOTICE! Paying 1mil for someone to make me a banner. Offer still stands. (December 30, 2005)

"Algebra, the answer is x..the question is y."


  • I am right there with ya!! :D
  • Interesting idea, but that is not a true even in real life. I think we should stick to what is actually out there. But thanks for thinking.
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  • For eventing, it is best to stick with what's out there. Events look at the possibility of the dog to be what it was bred to be. As Maxkhaos said, there is no event even in real life for guardian/protection. It was an interesting idea though. Good imagination :wink:
  • I think it is a good idea. Schutzhund already has one of it's phases as protection. It's other two plases, tracking and obedience, can be entered as separate events. Only protection can't, so I think making it that way would be a good thing.
  • yeah that would be cool but it would probably be a lot easier to make if there actually was a thing cuz all the events that Nef has right now were based on real life things cuz this game is suppose to be a simulation of the real thing.<br>Plus I think that another event that they should have is that dog diving thing for sporting dogs cuz on this dog show I saw the dogs were jumping off this dock thing and trying to jump as far as they can and a dog even broke a record of the longest jump but it was border collie, no one expected a border collie to do it. The show was sponsored by Purina cuz thats mostly all I remember of that show.
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