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i LOVE this game but.......

edited December 2007 in Praise for the Game
i love it but they should add a cat one :P i love cats but i love dogs too im not that close to horses but there cute :D
im waiting for a banner


  • :? this should go under game suggestions, and its already been suggested.
  • sorry :oops: im new to the fourm and didnt know i feel dumb :cry:
    im waiting for a banner
  • sorry :oops: im new to the fourm and didnt know i feel dumb :cry:
    im waiting for a banner
  • I would prefer to see the glitches and additions to VP fixed before more time and effort is directed towards a new site. While I know some ppl would really like a cat site and it could really be popular. I think that, with both VP and VHR up and running, priority should be given to them to make them the best they can be before something new is started. Just my opinion :D
  • I agree with deedee1!!!!!
    Happy Hollows Kennels

    Where dogs are trained to be their best!
  • uggh cats, who needs them :?: :D jk, but still...
  • I think that they should have a farm one where you can have farm animals of any breed. Like chickens and cows(although you can have them on the horse), and geese and pigs and stuff. Or a safari one where you can have elephants and things.
  • interesting..but how would you 'show/event' them?
  • Krimes wrote:
    interesting..but how would you 'show/event' them?
    <br><br>lmao believe it or not I have seen a cat show, its like showmanship<br><br>unless those were cat like dogs :?
  • Just to let u all know there is a virtual cats game and a virtual kinda farm game more like virtual cattle!<br>Its not made by the people whom made this game but its out there!<br><br>here they are<br>camels<br>sheep<br>cattle(its were u raise and show cattel<br>a bunch of cat games<br>fish <br>dragons lots u just got look for them!<br>frogs<br><br>But personally i like this game <br>its fun,fast,easyer to catch on to! and i enjoy it
    Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para
  • just put of curioustiy, what are the links to the farm one? wow, i have NO life:D
  • They have a dog one, horse one, but not a cat one. I think they should have a cat one too.

    Makeing memorise is part of life.
    Enjoy it, live it, love it.

    My username on vp: Boogirl4792
  • loko- raising the cattle<br>u show cattle and stuff is that what u are refering to as farm?
    Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para
  • Look, Orbis already has 3 games- VP, VHR, VHR II. Sure, maybe you want cats.. but Nef's busy as it is, especially with the new VHR game. VP barely gets the attention it needs. This sort of suggestion is kind of a joke.. o.o
  • I agree with Kiarei <br>If u want a sims cat game there are lots just google it<br>(same with other stuff)I have found 100s of sim games like this<br>every type of animal u can think of
    Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para
  • I have found another virtual dog game that i play a lot and i made a virtual dog, horse, and cat game. I don't think it is as good but i think my site is better than i thought it would be (you can click on the www sign to see it) Mine is a forum but it has a bank, a shop, an arcade, a lottery thing, and a calendar for events. You can get sponsor things on it without having to pay real money and you can get VIP accounts for the dedicated players (There isn't very many players anyway lol, but i still want more) And their are jobs for ALL types of players! You can also get licenses for "Pet-Sitting" and you can make a business. I think its cool b cuz i made it but most other people don't think its cool :(
    My username on VP is *zac_efron_lover*
    Dreaming to one day have a double life too
  • Please do not bring up old posts.
  • I prefer cats over dogs. <br><br>They do have one for cats.. but I forgot the name.


    I love this movie!
  • O.o this post was dead for a while...please stop bringing up old posts...
  • I really love this game and think its great
  • **cough cough** <br>date check
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