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One thing that makes me a little angry.....

Only Sponsers can recieve the gifts. The novices most of the time are the ones that need them. Why can't the novices get them too? I understamd the sponsers pay and everything but that shouldn't be one thing they pay for.


  • I think that novices should get some sort of gift, yes. But since sponsors pay, it only makes sense they get something good. But remember- Nef's extremely nice to let you guys play for unlimited amounts of time. Most games don't. But Nef has. But when you give someone an inch, they take a mile. *Shrug*
  • How about like she gives out common dies like black, white, and brindle? Doesnt affect the game, butit wouldbe nice.
    Mail me if I win anything!WLDI's Domain!:
  • yeah, or maybe 100-200k. Not a lot for sponsers, but A LOT for novices...
  • hmm.. my thoughts.. you want a gift? pay for a sponser...
  • Krimes wrote:
    hmm.. my thoughts.. you want a gift? pay for a sponser...
    <br><br>hehe, i agree with Krimes also. <br><br>Save up your money on here or in real life, buy it, and viola! you have one! :wink: lol
    gone for good because of something -.-
  • thats if the parents let you :roll:
  • hehe i agrree with krimes<br>and sarabeth<br>Well for the sponser part save your money if u want one that bad!
    Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para
  • Novices got gifts? They get gifts all year round... They get to play for free when other people pay cash every year to play, some people even pay hundreds of dollars a year to play and buy goodies. I think you should be grateful for what you have, since most sites only give you a trial period and if you don't upgrade, you can't play anymore.
  • thats true, i never thought of it that way....and puppy, i have the cash, just need to use my dad's paypal!
  • my thoughts on this areto save up and get a sponsor. Nef doesn't have to give us gifts at all
  • I think they should at least get a little gift. Maybe nothing fancy or big. But at least something.

    Makeing memorise is part of life.
    Enjoy it, live it, love it.

    My username on vp: Boogirl4792
  • "My parents won't let me get a sponsor."<br><br>Huh.<br><br>Not to be rude, but I think that people who say that aren't looking at all sides of the situation. <br><br>First of all- your parents don't have to pay for your sponsor, hey? It's <span style="font-weight:bold">your</span> sponsor, not theirs.<br><br>Second- If money's a problem, try saving lunch money, recycling cans and bottles, collecting coins on the sidewalk, or anything that's within reach. There's <span style="font-weight:bold">always</span> a way to get $20. Mow your neighbor's lawn, shovel an old lady's driveway.. <br><br>Third- Getting the money to Orbis. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a credit card. Both of my original two sponsors were paid through the mail, with my <span style="font-weight:bold">own</span> money. Heck, I even went to the post office and paid for the money order fee (which is infintessimal so don't worry about that). Sure, it takes a couple weeks.. But you don't have to pay $2 dollars extra for a paypal fee, and your parents don't have to deal with it at all. <br><br>Fourth- Who says you need to pay with real money? Plenty of people on VP are willing to pay the $20 in exchange for $20-$25 million VP cash. Lots? Sure. But it's not impossible. Get a good eventing dog- they can make you millions. Save up, don't splurge. You'll get there.
  • If sponsor accounts didnt have gifts what reason would people have to upgrade to one?? Just a thought!
  • *brooke* wrote:
    If sponsor accounts didnt have gifts what reason would people have to upgrade to one?? Just a thought!
    even if ponsors didn't get gifts, they still have more abilitys<br><br><span style="color:red">unlimited turns<br>unlimited dog limit<br>unlimited breedings<br>the choice of a kennel type <br>the ability to add fame into any of the for catagories</span><br><br>The point is. you want big gifts you pay 20-25 mil on VP or 20$ in RL. i have 6 sponsors. sold one to get money. bought 3 myself including the one i sold. bought a used one for 13 mil. bought another used one in return for dogs(lots of my favorites). and i am waiting for one Sand bought me to upgrade. sure its a lot of playcash but i am getting trained some mutts for show use i trained one yesterday, placed first in all 4 events i got 80k total imagine that as a showdog. it would earn you millions.
    Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
  • *sighs* I'm not aloud to get a sponser, wether I pay for it or not, and saving money can take years. But youc an dtill prove your a responsible player and train on other sponsers accounts, thats what I've done and I get the full benefits of a sponser :D
    Call me Freebie (Thanks Loko:D )
  • i didn't know we got gifts til i upgraded i chose to get 100k and 2 dogs. you can always "share" an account...<span style="font-size:75"> if you prove you are trustworthy</span>
    Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
  • Please stop bringing up old posts. There is no reason to keep discussing this.
  • Krimes wrote:
    hmm.. my thoughts.. you want a gift? pay for a sponser...
    i second that
  • This is an old post. It's dead let it go.
This discussion has been closed.