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Please Read, Thank You

edited May 2010 in Auction
When players post dogs for sale or for stud, there's been a trend working up where players publicly insult other peoples dogs. This needs to stop, as in right now. <br><br>You're allowed to express yur opinions, but to publicly humiliate(sp?) players is just plain wrong and you need to knock it off. Tact is something everyone needs to learn in life and I hope you learn to practice it here. When you put down other peoples dogs, it just makes you seem immature and thoughtless. <br><br>If you don't like someones dogs, don't buy them, there's no need to make them feel stupid or inferior because there are better dogs on the site, just hold your tongue. There's no need to bash people or dogs for whatever reason. I'm getting seriously annoyed and I will delete posts and report instances to Nef.


  • THANK YOU NITARA!!!!<br><br>People who do that are immature. They play without realizing that other people have feelings too. Just because they have a better kennel or dog doesn't mean you can put someone who is trying and ruin their day.
  • Yes Thanx I was going to bring that up but I didn't want to start up any trouble
    I have 2 dogs in real life ones name is Bear and the other ones name is Twixx There German Shepard/Husky Mix!
  • yes Nitara that makes me feel bad when ppl say no ones going to buy that dog because its not trained ppl that say that are rude! :D
  • yeah i meen i got a golden retreiver when it wasnt trained and i trained it why shouldnt you buy a dog just waiting to be loved because its not trained.(to many traineds) :evil: [/quote]
  • Totally agree! :lol: :P :lol: :P
  • Yah Me Too
    People say i like shorty a little too much?
  • yea, me 3, one time i was trying to sell my dogs and this one person told me that no one was going to buy them because their numbers next to their stars were bad. i told them that im sure someone would buy them, cause thats what i do. and they told me to look at them and that they stunck, no one was going to buy them!! :cry: i felt bad :cry:
  • Thankyou nitara and i agree. Everyone is trying and this isnt a game were everyone HAS to have trained and top quality pups becasue then we wouldnt have rescue kennels and people who dedicate their time to training recued dogs. <br>A freind and i are starting up a group called something like Novices and Sponsors Working Together (NASWT) so that will start in the near future but everyone has to start somewhere and its all a learning process- and i cant say i was perfect when i started this game, so I also offer cheaper sponsor training for novices to help them get started as i know how hard it is to get dogs trained etc. so if anyone needs training or breeding please feel free to let me know!:)<br><br>anyway, i totally agree and i can be very hurtfull to people who where feeling pretty prowd of themselves.<br><br>thanks<br>Silver
    Silver Dragon Banners, Kennel Icons and Hand drawn pics.
    Training kennel-

  • You are right. I saw a rude post so I emailed the girl the post was too and told her her dogs were good statted(they were. There was a 4x1). It made her feel better and we are vp friends now. :D . I enjoy talking to her. It's very rude what people say
    Visit My Kennel At:
    Message Me If I Win AnyThing! XD

    Savings Log:308k/50mill
  • i HATE people that do that!! i get tons of commets saying that my dogs arent good.. and i hate it!! :cry: its rude and mean
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • I AGREE COMPLETELY<br><br>Even If Your On The Computer And You Dont Know That Player It Doesnt Mean That He Or She Doesnt Have Feelings!!!! :twisted: :twisted:
    Owner of West Ridge Kennels
    Where the greatest Border Collies and Golden Retrivers are bred!

  • Thank you Nitara! I agree completely agree with you! Thank you so much!
    Pedigree.png If I win, Please pm me at my Sponsor Breeding Kennel,
  • I soooo agree I was selling my dogs and this person laughed in my face about how bad they were and they actually werent half bad. They said they have been on this sight forever and the person thinks they are better than everyone else. I think that person is stuck up. It makes me feel so bad. I hope it will stop. Thank You sooo much for making this post.
  • I agree aswell YAY! :)
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