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Time peroids for Sponser Accounts

edited March 2005 in Game Suggestions
Does anyone think that there should be different time periods for a sponser account ? If you wanted to try one then maybe you could buy a Sponser Account for 1 month and if you like it you could buy one for 1 year. :?:


  • For as inexpensive as the game is, I think that the time periods thing is kind of unnecessary. I've played other games like this before where it costs around $50.00 for a year subscription. For that price, it's nice to have a reduced price for a shorter period. But for $20.00 like this game is, a month would only really cost you about $2.00 or less. Seeing as it is so inexpensive, I would be willing to pay the $20.00 and take a risk that I might not like it for the whole year. Think about it, you can barely go to a movie for $20.00 now. So people pay that much money for a few hours of entertainment. Even if you hate the game after a day of playing it, it was still worth your money.
  • i agree. This game is very cheap. I wish VHR was 19.99 again :(. Heck, shoes cost 80 dollars now and everything else is so exspensive aswell This game is more than worth it
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  • i feel the same way i mean i dont want to have to pay $20 when i can use it on my college future. that's part of college application fee right there. i mean y'all sponsors get so much and novice get so little. all because y'all have breed in your pockets. i know it doesn't seem like much but check out neopets and virtualdog they doing almost the same thing y'all are but for FREE! I MEAN WHEN I CLICKED ON THIS GAME WHILE SEARCHING FOR A NEAT VIRTUAL PET GAME IT SPECIFICALLY SAID <span style="text-decoration:underline">FREE! AND FOR YOU TO HIT US UP WITH OH! YOU CAN UPGRADE FOR ONLY $20.<br>I THINK WE SHOULD AT LEAST MAYBE IN THE FUTURE LET EVERYONE BE LIKE THE SPONSOR ACCOUNT WHEN Y'ALL FINALLY GET THE MONEY TOGETHER</span> <span style="font-weight:bold">AND THE SPONSORS CAN SAY THAT'S NOT MUCH B/C THEY ARE SPONSORS THEY PAID THEIR $20</span>
  • if they let novices have the same as sponsers then no one would upgrade to sponser and there'd be no money to run the game and the game would collapse. <br><br>Believe me I know $20 is a lot when you don't have a lot of cash, but if I managed to pay it to upgrade than anyone can. All it takes is saving a little here and there, if you want it bad enough you'll pay.
  • :evil: neopets is only free because it is filled with spam. :evil:
  • This post isn't about wether the price to pay for a sponser is fair or not n_n;<br><br>Personally I would love to see the 'year' broekn down into prhaps...half a year? or maybe a few months? I would love to try out different sponser accounts <3<br><br>But then again..I'm sure there would be a problem with this, people jumping around from different type acocunt to different type account. If the month fee is cheaper more people will buy the sponser account, making it less exclusive.<br><br>Although I think diving up the tme would be a cool idea it seems to have to many flaws to appear feasible to me :)
  • I guess it would be cheaper and many people would buy it but I would really like to try a sponser account without having to pay $20 and not like it.
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