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Sponsor Account Notfication

edited March 2006 in Game Suggestions
I was thinking that maybe we can have a sponsor account upgrade notification. For example, a person could buy you a sponsor accounton your account, and the system will say that you have purchased a sponsor upgrade. That would probably reduce the risk of hacking? That will inform you that you have gotten a sponsor upgrade soon.


  • Good idea :) Hacking..ergh...drives me NUTS! I mean, the nerve of people to go onto other people's acounts, and take other people's hard work and just ruin it... :x :evil: Evily...Mad...

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • that is oh so tru.People have to work for something.
  • I like the idea. Reduces a person scamming and notifies you that this account has been paid for asponsor account and waiting to be activated :)
    Plenty of services and dogs for sale. Message me at my main kennel if I win anything, if you want multi-stared dogs cheap, or stud.
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