I've been browsing around through a few different inactive kennels and there are hundreds of dogs that have potential that are just sitting in random kennels. I would like to start rescuing some dogs and putting them up for adoption at extremely discounted rates but it seems like most people are working on their own lines. If anyone would be interested in adopting some new dogs for showing, breeding, or whatever you'd like please let me know and I'll start rescuing some pups/dogs of that breed. I would only rescue 10 at a time and wait for them to be adopted before rescuing another bunch. I don't want to clutter up my kennels

Also, if you know there is one specific dog you want that is eligible to be rescued I will for you as a personal rescue. I cannot rescue player created breeds, just so you know!
Rescuing Rates would be/are:
Pups (high stats or unnamed) - 1K
Dogs (high stats or fully trained) - 2K
Gifties (no stipulations) - 3K
Personal Rescue - 4K
Imports: Closed. 10 Imported Werewolves went to Melrose437!
I'm also offering 10 imports. I have a surplus and am not starting any new lines here soon but need to save up some cash for more training and eventing as I started from scratch and don't have millions at my disposal. Interested in hearing some offers.
Thank you all for your your time!
- Aristotle