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Color Contest

Uhm I want to get some colors for a reward dye I'm not sure how many character they are allowed to be but if someone will let me know I'll update this!!<br><br>Ideas- I am a huge romance anime fan!! I want it to be based off of any of these show or characters! Skip Beat is my absolute favorite with Ren Tsurgura and I forgot the girl characters name! Also some anime shows like Itazura Na Kiss, Say I Love You, Your Lie in April, Myself;Yourself, also can be based off of Japanese stuff such as the Japanese Cherry Blossoms! You can enter as many entries as you like!<br><br>Prizes<br>1st- 3 mill<br>2nd- 2 mill<br>3rd- 1 mill <br><br>All contestants will receive 50k for participation! Send neggie contract to momomorgan! Winners will be announced whenever there are enough entries and I found a color I like!
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