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Self Improvement!

edited November 2014 in General Discussion
I was thinking, maybe people don't have enough opportunities to feel proud of themselves. So I want you all to take a second to reflect on some stuff you've improved on. It can be anything from having more patience than you did when you were 5, or having the perseverance to get your VP kennels organized this morning, etc. It doesn't really matter how much or how little you've improved over time, just take a second to be proud of it, because you're moving forward!<br><br>Me, I don't have too much to say.<br>-I've been acting more creatively. I'm coming up with full and interesting character concepts and I elaborated on an existing character than used to give me quite a bit of trouble.<br>-I started drawing and reading like I used to do. That's really important to me.<br>-I am healthier physically and mentally than I was in high school, and I'm handling stress rather well.<br>-I have a plan to reach my VP goals.<br><br> :roll: So maybe this is a stupid idea, but I feel good writing it! :lol:


  • <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#400080">I think this is a wonderful thread! It's always good to take a moment and reflect and see how you're progressing and growing.<br><br>Lets se some things I'm progressing with.<br><br>-Creatively I've worked on a few new endeavors and have improved on my digital art and writing skills<br>-I've been making progress on organizing my kennels and working out a distinct direction to take them<br>-I've been reading more this year than I have in a long time<br><br>Guess that's all I can think of for now :P </span></span>
  • I'm so happy for you! It'll be more fun to play once your kennels are organized and you have a goal. I need to work on that, too ;P<br>Let me know if you find a book that you super love, I'm gonna be running out of things to read o:
  • Here it goes!<br><br>- I have been working on my line although it may be extremely upsetting I have the best Eastern Timber Wolves on VP!<br>- I am doing well in my college classes holding A's and B's <br>- Working on being more friendly!
  • Dramatic wrote:
    I'm so happy for you! It'll be more fun to play once your kennels are organized and you have a goal. I need to work on that, too ;P<br>Let me know if you find a book that you super love, I'm gonna be running out of things to read o:
    <br><br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#400080">I was on a Dean Koontz kick and read 4 of his books in a row, which I enjoyed them all but "Watchers" and "The Key To Midnight" were my favorites. I would recommend those 2 for sure.</span></span>
  • <span style="color:#400080">I like this idea! 8) <br><br>On VP:<br>- I have been working on getting better organized and more "streamlined" with my goals and projects, working on a couple things at a time instead of jumping around every few days to something new<br>- I got rid of most of my hoarded dogs. I had about 500+ dogs that I had collected over the years for various reasons that, realistically, I knew I was never going to get around to. That reduced a lot of the clutter and also helped with organization. I'm still going through my lines getting rid of extraneous dogs but for some reason it's just so hard for me to release dogs I bred from my lines, even if I never intend to breed, show, or sell them.<br><br>In real life:<br>- For a long while (at least a year) I hadn't done any real artwork. I did a little photo manipulation for layouts and such and doodled on my tablet, but it was a long time since my last "real" piece. I've gotten back to my traditional art and have started sketching and painting again. I was kinda rusty lol but I'm trying to improve on some specific aspects.<br>- I've started to learn French. Not sure if I'm allowed to say the name of the software I use but there is an app I downloaded to my Kindle that's completely free. I just got it because it was free I didn't think it would actually be any good but it is. It's always been a life goal of mine to be fluent in at least three languages other than English, so it feels good to be working toward that :-)<br></span>
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • bryson wrote:
    <span style="color:#400080">I like this idea! 8) <br><br>>snip<<br><br>- I've started to learn French. Not sure if I'm allowed to say the name of the software I use but there is an app I downloaded to my Kindle that's completely free. I just got it because it was free I didn't think it would actually be any good but it is. It's always been a life goal of mine to be fluent in at least three languages other than English, so it feels good to be working toward that :-)<br></span>
    <br><br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#400080">I think I know which app you're talking about. I had a free app once that was awesome. I want to learn German and Japanese. I was using the app to learn German but it had to be connected to the net and well when I'm at home I have no cell signal and dial-up so it didn't last long. But I'm wanting to get something else or maybe load some lessons while I'm out to work on at home.<br><br>I use to know some Spanish (took it in high school) and then I took Chinese in college (that was super hard and I've forgotten most of it). I know bits and pieces of those languages along with German and Japanese but nothing to actually carry on a conversation. Just a few words and phrases here and there. Would love to become fluent in another language XD</span></span>
  • Morgan, it's really impressive to have all A's and B's in college, congratulations!<br><br>Bryson, are there any three particular languages you were hoping to get a grasp of? I always thought it'd be cool to know Italian, but I haven't worked on that at all :P<br><br>I took three years of German class in high school and was actually rather good at what we were learning, but I didn't take it any further than that. I wish I did, because knowing more than one language is really cool and useful and I was enjoying German. Oh well!<br><br>Aaand Para, I'll definitely check out those books. I've been reading The Picture Of Dorian Gray, and I'm loving it a lot. But it is a little more umm - lets say "romantic" - than I expected (I see why it got Oscar Wilde in trouble during his era). Basil is my favorite so far. :)
  • Great idea!<br><br>Unfortunately I cannot say that I have achieved much of anything lately in VP, but part of my recent improvements have a role in that! Lol.<br><br>- I joined marching band this year. It was a ton of work, a lot of late (not to mention cold) nights, but it was a really great experience and I have no regrets whatsoever.<br>- That being said, my social life has improved. I really haven't had much quiet time and I find myself actually enjoying being busy.<br>- Managed to move on from a friend that was really just bringing me down. I can see what they were doing to me now, and life has gotten so much better when I'm not sitting around waiting for him.<br><br>Overall I'd say my life has improved recently and I'm certainly not the same person I was last year at this time!
  • Frost, that's so great. Especially about moving on from a friend that brings you down. That's got to be one of the most beneficial and one of the toughest things you can do. Definitely something to be proud of!
  • Dramatic wrote:
    Bryson, are there any three particular languages you were hoping to get a grasp of? I always thought it'd be cool to know Italian, but I haven't worked on that at all :P
    <br><br>Well since I've already started Spanish I'd like to become fluent in it. Here in North Carolina there is a very quickly growing Mexican population, and even my conversational Spanish has come in handy. So I think that would be good. And we love to travel, and knowing Spanish would make all of Central and South America pretty much open and accessible (not including Brazil...but whatever we'd just have to find English speakers there lol) I've always loved French. It's such a beautiful language. I am finding it more confusing than Spanish, with the spelling! Spanish you can pretty much "sound out". There really is no sounding words out in French you either know how to spell it or you don't :lol: I haven't decided on my third language. I was thinking something a little less "traditional" like Russian or Swahili to open up different parts of the world to travel. I've always liked German maybe I'll take that up and you can laugh at my clumsy German :mrgreen: That's one of the languages that comes with the free software I use along with French, Spanish, Portugese, Italian and English.<br><br>
    Dramatic wrote:
    I've been reading The Picture Of Dorian Gray, and I'm loving it a lot.
    <br><br>After you read the book, watch the 1945 film adaptation! It's not nearly as "romantic" but it's very well done and if you love old movies it's a classic! You might only be able to find it on VHS though lol
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
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