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*stands up and clears throat* name is Kylie and I'm a hoarder.<br><br>*nervously sits down and hides gaze*<br><br>Lol, okay, so in all seriousness though, I am a hoarder. Not in real life, but on VP. I mean, I kid you not, I have over 1500 dogs in my main kennel. Like, woah. I don't even know what an eighth of them are. I have over 400 unnamed dogs as well :3 I've just accumulated so many dogs since I've started.<br><br>Anybody else have this issue? Or am I the loan super hoarder on VP?


  • *Slowly stands and begins...<br>Hello Kylie!...<br>My name is Kourt:) <br>I also am a hoarder! I have so many dogs in all my kennels I dont even know what to do with them! <br>All only from January when I came back to the game :shock: <br>I love to collect eventers... yet I do them no good by letting them sit in my kennels! <br>I dont quite think I have reached 1500 yet but I am definitely getting close!<br>Good to know I am not the only one with this problem!! ^.^<br>*Smiles and quickly sits down*
  • Hey Kylie!!<br>I am a hoarder!! Just a little under a thousand dogs and I'm buying more each day!! Oh well!! :)
  • Hi... <br><br>I'm also a hoarder... I have like 800+ dogs... most of them I don't know what they are... over 200 of them are Old English Sheepdogs... <br><br>I think I may just have a problem there...
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Lol hello my name is Mel or Melrose whichever you prefer,<br><br>I also suffer from vp hoarding, I have at least over 700 dogs with at least 500 of them being made imports for the thousand lines I have plans for....
  • Ummm, hello :| I'm Lyc. I suffer from VP hoarding.<br><br>In my main kennel, I have 2296.<br>In my boarding kennel, 52.<br>In my other tiny kennels, 31.<br>In my breeding kennel, 270.<br>In the shared training kennel, 300+<br>So overall, I have about 3000 dogs total or a little over that :|<br><br><br><br>The thing that I hoard the most is Bloodhounds. I have 517 (if I did the calculation correct) Bloodhounds out of the 728 bloodhounds in game.
  • <span style="color:#400080">Hello, my name is Bryson, and I'm a VP hoarder!<br><br>I have about 1500 dogs in my primary kennels, over 350 of them being APBTs! That includes gifties, stud & brood collections, and hundreds of eventers (even though I'm only actively using about 60 actively). And that's after doing some "spring cleaning"! Even still, I'm constantly breeding more pups and buying more eventers. I also hoard fame points (after putting thousands into breeding I still have a total of over 12000 on all my kennels, and for some reason I'd rather buy from other players than use my own). And I kinda hoard vpc (somewhere over 300mil) even though I spend a ton buying up 10x4s and eventers and try to give a lot away :lol: <br><br>I also have over 4500 dogs in my rescue kennel right now waiting for good homes...but that's not really due to my hoarding :mrgreen: <br><br>So NO you are definitely not alone in your hoarding tendencies!!!</span>
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • Phew…<br><br>*wipes brow*<br><br>Okay, I'm not the only one xD I have a TON TON TON of partial/unstarted lines that I said I was going to do but never got around to. And I always have to buy more dogs. I basically collect dogs .I have tons of 10x4's, rare gifties, rare dogs, imports, and eventers. Lol. I try to hoard VPC but it all somehow disappears xD I don't really have just one breed I've built up, it's all sort of spread out really!
  • <span style="color:#400080">Hello everyone I too am a VP hoarder!<br><br>I'm trying to sort out and clear out some of my dogs but there's still a lot I just can't/wont let go of even though I don't plan on using them. I have a lot of partial lines or start of lines or unfinished lines. And then I have just random dogs that I've obtained and are just sitting there. I'm hoping over the next little bit to make some decisions with my kennels, go in a more clear direction with them and clean them out. I do ok putting up unnamed dogs for sale or those that I've not named myself. But then with dogs that have Para or HH in the name I just can't let go to the public. So lot of them just sit around unsed. Some I have released/retired and there are a lot more I need to let go.<br><br>We shall see how far I get haha</span>
  • *shyly stands up and raises her hand*<br>My name is Cherokee and I suffer from VP OCD. In other words, I only have the dogs that I need/want. I cannot have too many because it bothers me. I even came up with a system to keep me at a good number; for every dog I buy, I have to sell two to make up for the loss in budget. My kennel may seem "filled" (28 dogs), but most of them are apart of my two lines that I have going on and will be released once I groom, breed, and neuter them.
    If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
  • I have over 600 unmade imports >.> <br><br>I promise I'm not a hoarder really =D
    ^ Click for comics
  • I have over 700 Gifties now, and over 10 lines I have that are half done rages from imports to 9x4s and a Kennel full of made imports for even more lines.
    656 Gifties
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