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Not allowing same/similar names...

edited December 2005 in Game Suggestions
to be used for kennels and owners (unless it's the same person with the kennels).<br><br>I log in this morning to find someone posting from a Wolves of the Storm Kennels. The kennel number is in the 54k range, a new kennel, they also have a two sponsor accounts one in the 40k and one 44k range so they aren't totally new. <br><br>Same/Similar kennel and owner names shouldn't be allowed, they jeopardize hard earned reputations of established players (a good or bad reputation can help along the strategy of the game). This isn't the first time and not just to Squall, many of the sponsors have had this happen to them.


  • I agree, same/similar names should not be allowed unless it's the same person... Only problem is, how can it be figured out that it's the same person or not?<br><br> But other then that I think that would be awesome :D
  • I agree. I just got my main kennel name changed and now I have 2 kennels with the same the kennel name. Since their both mine I have no problem but I would be annoyed to death if someone went and used it for thier kennel.
  • my computers beingretarded and wont let me vote. But if i could i would vote no. Seems like they're trying to take in some of your rep. by having the same name(or close to it)
    My Main Kennel

    Due to lack of funds, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.
  • I agree that the kennel names should not be the same but as for the logo, this sometimes cannot be helped. Liked for instance, my kennel is Cappio's Kennel... thus on my logo I put CK. Now I know of at one other CK out there and they do not want anyone else using that logo... but that is who I am and I will continue to use it.
  • Only problem is, how can it be figured out that it's the same person or not?<br>
    <br><br>If I remember correctly, Nef and other game operators can check if it is you on the basis of the IP address of your computer... The only problem that'll cause if you're on different computers such as in a college school setting and/or you are moving and using whatever computer possible during the move.<br><br>Besides that, typically it is only sponsers whom have more than one account so if you maintain the same e-mail address for every different account you create, than the game ops and Nef can keep track of whose whom through the e-mail addresses used
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • Yes, but that's not what I mean. I mean when the person is creating their account and choose the player/kennel name how could the computer know the deference in players and block the right person from creating that account?
  • Yes, but that's not what I mean. I mean when the person is creating their account and choose the player/kennel name how could the computer know the deference in players and block the right person from creating that account?
    <br><br>Good point... <br><br>Hum... That would be a more difficult way of working and I doubt it could become an automatic process - it would be more something that would have to be done by Nef and the other game Ops.<br><br>Maybe every two months or something - unless the same person has really bad behavior - than the names can be changed to kennels whom do not belong to sponsers but have similar names.
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • Just do it the same way they do can't duplicate playernames so why are you allowed to duplicate kennel names? <br><br>This seriously needs something done, right from the TOS:<br>
    <br>Prohibited Conduct<br><br>5. Impersonate any person, including, but not limited to,Virtual Pups/Orbis Games employees or hosts.
    <br><br><br>I pay a lot of money to play this game, and I would be seriously angry if I got banned because someone made the same kennel name and did something to break the rules with it.
  • BrunDrake wrote:
    Good point...
    <br><br> :shock: I said something that Brun thought was a good point! :D <br><br> Yes it does, although I don't see how you could get banned because somebody has the same kennel name as you do :?
  • The IP addy would be an idicator to allow or disallow the creation of same/similar kennel and owner names.
  • Just send me a message on the forum if someone has a name exactly as yours.
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