I believe a lot of it is due to how difficult it is for a new player to get help! Back in the day new players were everywhere. They could post on the Bp, and do a ton of stuff. Now they're practically non existent. And I doubt I would've stayed long enough to be a sponsor without a more active novice account
I remember the good old days *sigh* Lengthy and crazy active posts, a full chat room, artists and trainers whenever you needed them, crazy competitive events. <br>It really slowed down once the competition over art and eventing and training ended because of older players leaving. <br>*clings to remaining players* lol <br><br>I'll admit that once I heard about the beta and everything, I was thinking of just kind of dropping off but I'm giving VP the benefit of the doubt. I too just wanted bug fixes and an "updated" version, not what's becoming a new game.
<br> Yea I do!! I live on a ranch so we have horses and cows and dogs and cats and I personally have a hedgehog and a rat! My hedgehog actually just had babies tonight! Maybe I will post some pics on the pet stories!
I remember the good old days *sigh* Lengthy and crazy active posts, a full chat room, artists and trainers whenever you needed them, crazy competitive events. <br>It really slowed down once the competition over art and eventing and training ended because of older players leaving. <br>*clings to remaining players* lol <br><br>I'll admit that once I heard about the beta and everything, I was thinking of just kind of dropping off but I'm giving VP the benefit of the doubt. I too just wanted bug fixes and an "updated" version, not what's becoming a new game.
<br><br>I relied on art contests for my income. Then I moved onto commissions. But now I have no real income in the game so don't really play anymore. Am reluctant to go back to doing commissions because apparently the way the code is held for layouts is going to be changed. I feel bad for all those people that paid millions for my layouts for them to be ruined in beta.
I remember the good old days *sigh* Lengthy and crazy active posts, a full chat room, artists and trainers whenever you needed them, crazy competitive events. <br>It really slowed down once the competition over art and eventing and training ended because of older players leaving. <br>*clings to remaining players* lol <br><br>I'll admit that once I heard about the beta and everything, I was thinking of just kind of dropping off but I'm giving VP the benefit of the doubt. I too just wanted bug fixes and an "updated" version, not what's becoming a new game.
<br><br>I relied on art contests for my income. Then I moved onto commissions. But now I have no real income in the game so don't really play anymore. Am reluctant to go back to doing commissions because apparently the way the code is held for layouts is going to be changed. I feel bad for all those people that paid millions for my layouts for them to be ruined in beta.
<br> Yea I do!! I live on a ranch so we have horses and cows and dogs and cats and I personally have a hedgehog and a rat! My hedgehog actually just had babies tonight! Maybe I will post some pics on the pet stories!
<br><br>I have a few babies due this year. A calf in march a foal in April, and hopefully 3 - 6 lambs due depending on if the mommas decide to give me twins! I've never seen a baby hedgehog before!! Post away!!
awe! Calves are the cutest! We have already had two sets of twins born this year! And one was born on my birthday which is cool cause I am a twin too:)
Our neighbor had two sets of twins! I would loooove twin calves but I've never had any. Course this is my first cow pregnancy. I usually just raise bottle calves then sell them when they get bigger.
I remember the good old days *sigh* Lengthy and crazy active posts, a full chat room, artists and trainers whenever you needed them, crazy competitive events. <br>It really slowed down once the competition over art and eventing and training ended because of older players leaving. <br>*clings to remaining players* lol <br><br>I'll admit that once I heard about the beta and everything, I was thinking of just kind of dropping off but I'm giving VP the benefit of the doubt. I too just wanted bug fixes and an "updated" version, not what's becoming a new game.
<br><br>I relied on art contests for my income. Then I moved onto commissions. But now I have no real income in the game so don't really play anymore. Am reluctant to go back to doing commissions because apparently the way the code is held for layouts is going to be changed. I feel bad for all those people that paid millions for my layouts for them to be ruined in beta.
<br><br>Same! I have about 200mill saved up from art and layout commissions alone. I'm interested to see how the new coding will work out. I feel bad for people who have layouts from me as well (and yours because they're GORGEOUS)
Aww Vampy XD I can try look at them if beta ever gets moved to live. Can try patch them up somehow to make them work <br><br>Coaster - Lol thanks =p I'd do more commissions but the time and effort I actually put into them is no where near worth the amount I get back am trying to improve myself to actually make a career out of it! But I'm sure I'll poke about on the forums to get ideas for demo sites to build.
Our neighbor had two sets of twins! I would loooove twin calves but I've never had any. Course this is my first cow pregnancy. I usually just raise bottle calves then sell them when they get bigger.
<br><br>Thats pretty sweet. I have never had a bottle calf cause usually when for some reason a calf is left without a mother we just put it on a different cow and that usually works!
Thanks paper! But in all truth it's probably time for a new one anyways. <br><br>I love my bottle calves!! I just lose them to weird reasons. Had to sell a few due to needing to afford something else, my last one had pneumonia it was impossible to get rid of, one before that was a a year and a half and wasn't bullish at ALL. didnt want him to be my bull. My red one chocked himself to death in a thorn bush. Had one die eating plastic etc etc. this heifer is the only one ive been able to keep alive love enough to HAVE a calf LOL!
Wow that is just bad luck with the bottle calves! We live outside of town and every year about my dad runs over a baby deer while swathing and we always try and save it. And one year he ran two over and we saved them both and they were doing great but then one day the Mule deer drank his milk too fast and killed himself!
I have lots of memories from back then haha I've been around as long as vampy has been.<br><br>Ahhh , Tara.. Those were the days lol<br><br>Another thing, sorry if I'm too harsh.. Vp died when all the new rules were inforced. Once before, we could openly talk about certain things that we get in trouble for now. I can see why it happened but we aren't as close as before I miss those days lol<br><br>If you ever wanna talk Nicole just shoot me a msg!
-crawls out from under rock- I've been around 9-10ish years now and I must say that seeing this post made me long for the good ole days. I've been a crazy trainer for almost 9 years here and probably 95% of my references have retired from the game along with good friends. I definitely need to throw myself back into the social side of the vp community and this looks like a good place to start ^^
Seems like the only ones I see around these days are the veterans. I've been playing for years too, it's incredible to think that VP even had it's busy days when you see how it is now. So many talented people are gone, I seriously miss them. I'm just hoping that the game pulls them back in eventually. I know that I could never stay away for forever. This place has some kinda hold on me. xD It has the same hold on everyone else, they're just super busy right now. Eventually when things calm down for them VirtualPups will pop right back into their heads and they'll be in the mood to train. ;P
I know exactly how you feel! I used to play like 2 years ago like crazy but then I got into High School and got so busy and quit and now I am back as a Senior! And I love it just as much as before! But I feel like it is kinda boring now because there are like hardly any people on at the same time as me.
The social aspect of VP was a really big deal before. There were people here that I used to have hours of conversation with every single day. 0_0 -They were online friends that I liked better than the friends I see in person-. :P Now I'm only speaking to <span style="font-weight:bold">one</span> of my VP friends from way back then, it's really sad. This one time I decided to quit VP for good because it was taking up way too much of my time and attention. I was able to stay away for a good 7 months before I got a random email about the game one day and I relapsed. xD My addiction started up again in less than an hour.
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