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Divergent Series

<span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">CONTAINS SPOILERS</span></span><br>I got the books for Christmas this year and just finished the last one about an hour ago.<br>I read the first two and thought they were decent. The concept was interesting and the characters were strong and well thought-out.<br>I hate how the series ended though. I cannot believe Roth killed off Tris.I understand the underlying self-sacrifice message Roth intended. One must sacrifice themselves out of pure love, like Tris did for her brother. But did she really have to die and leave Tobias, not just for the romance aspect, but it makes the book feel incomplete and it made me more angry then anything else. <br>Anyone else have any opinions?


  • <span style="color:#800000">Ugh! I couldn't put the first book down.. the second one I dragged out a bit more because it wasn't as intriguing, and the third.. well I got a bit into and started reading the Heroes of Olympus series instead, I got bored of Allegiant. My mum has nearly finished it now, and I knew Tris died anyway cause I cheated and read ahead. But.. Tobias! <3 I call him Four.. Now that I know Theo James is portraying him in the film I like him just that much more. I'll probably finish reading Allegiant when mum has and when I've finished this series. xD</span>
  • I thought the ending was the only part that truly made the story stick out to me. I loved it. If it hadn't ended with tris' death it would've been just another love story that are getting REALLY old lately lol! I love how it explored his happiness without her, how he overcomes it in time though it takes a while.
  • I do love Theo James <3<br>See I hate that she died. It's not that I'm against killing main characters (I love the Game of Thrones!) it's that her death doesn't fit the series.<br>She runs around into danger constantly but this is the only time something really happens to her. I think it would have been better if she would have been shot and paralyzed or had her memory removed somehow.<br>If she was paralyzed she would have to overcome a lot of issues (physical and emotional) i think this would create the sacrifice Roth wanted and an ending I could live with.<br>If her memory is removed then basically she is "dead" as the person we knew. But Roth could have ended with a chapter suggesting she slowly turns back into our Tris. This would leave a cliffhanger of sorts and also add more depth to the story. Although I'm sure I'd still be ticked if her memory was removed.<br>I agree with Simmeh that the first book was very good and the other were blah. I just fined that i feel very anger and unsatisfied with the ending. I love books but I feel like Roth wanted to shock her readers and didn't really consider whether it fit into the novel.
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