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(Late) Halloween Giveaway:Free Halloween/Fantasy Breeds

edited November 2013 in Giveaways, Etc.
In honor of Halloween, I'm giving away all fantasy/halloween breeds in my rescue kennel that are listed as "Not for Adoption". <br><br>Just bid 0 on any of the dogs you want and I will accept the bid. The only rules are that I will only give <span style="font-style:italic">one dog per person</span> and its <span style="font-style:italic">first come,first serve.</span><br><br>The kennel is here:<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Please note: Only the dog you see after you click on the button that says "Visit Our Rescue Kennel" are part of this give-away. Halloween and/or fantasy breeds you see in my main kennel when you first go to the link are<span style="font-style:italic"> not for sale</span>.<br><br>If this giveaway goes well, I'm thinking of having one for Christmas too featuring winter-themed breeds(Arctic Wolves,Arctic Foxes, various husky breeds on here, malamutes,other sled dog breeds,etc.) when it gets closer to Christmas time. <br><br>If you bid, the only way I will know is if you post on this topic, send me a pm here on the forums, or pm me in-game at the kennel linked to, so please do one of those 3 things. Thanks.<br><br>Enjoy. :)

Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.

"The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen


  • Nobody's interested in free dogs? :/<br><br>Maybe it will help if I say the breeds and amounts I have of each gender:<br><br>Phantom Wolf-Neutered-3 Total:3 of this breed to giveaway<br>Saber Tooth Husky-Female-11,Neutered-1,Male-6 Total:18 of this breed to giveaway<br>Royal Wolf-Female-1,Neutered-4 Total:5 of this breed to giveaway<br>Chinese Foo Dog-Male-1 Total:1 of this breed to giveaway<br>Werewolf-Female-1 Total: 1 of this breed to giveaway<br>KoRn Dogs-Male-1 Total:1 of this breed to giveaway<br><br>Total: 29 dogs to giveaway

    Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.

    "The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen
  • I do I bid on <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; Thank You!!!!! I can't believe no one else wants any
  • WyldFire wrote:
    I do I bid on <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; Thank You!!!!! I can't believe no one else wants any
    <br>Bid accepted. :) You're very welcome. Ikr? *shrugs*

    Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.

    "The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen
  • I give-up. I guess no one is interested. All the neutered dogs have either been retired,released, or returned to their original owners and I'm going to put the intact dogs up for the adoption price of 250. And I will probably not be doing a Christmas give-away based on winter/arctic/sled dog breeds do to the low turn-out/interest in this give-away.

    Disney's Frozen avatar and banner by me.It's an amazing movie. Everyone should totally go see it.

    "The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen
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