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Contract/Lease timings

edited October 2013 in Questions/Support
Has it always been the case that the time on a lease will start to decrease from the time it was created, rather than from the time it is accepted?<br><br>I've just noticed now that as I accepted a lease to train it only have 3 hours left. It wouldn't be a problem if I was planning to do the 10 or so years of Groom/RHing in one go, but my plan was to do half now, go to my lecture (which lasts 2 hours) and then finish it when I come back. Which means it's likely the dog will have been returned to the owner when I get back.<br><br>Also does this mean a contract will 'expire' after the 24 hours it was created even if I have not yet accepted it and thus meaning I'll need to have the owner send it/them again?


  • Even though a lease/contract is expired, you can still accept it and have time to do whatever the lease is for. The dog will not go back to the owner unless you return it or the owner reclaims the dog. <br><br>The one other way the dog will return automatically is when you use all the turns the owner set the contract to. Example: if the owner put 20 turns then upon the 20th time you hit the take turn button, the dog goes back and will no longer be in your kennel.<br><br>Hope that helps.
  • Nacie wrote:
    Even though a lease/contract is expired, you can still accept it and have time to do whatever the lease is for. The dog will not go back to the owner unless you return it or the owner reclaims the dog. <br><br>The one other way the dog will return automatically is when you use all the turns the owner set the contract to. Example: if the owner put 20 turns then upon the 20th time you hit the take turn button, the dog goes back and will no longer be in your kennel.<br><br>Hope that helps.
    <br><br>Aaah, ok. I was under the impression that the dog would automatically return to the owner when the turns run out <span style="font-weight:bold">or</span> when the time runs out, whichever happens to be first.<br>That makes life a little easier then haha. Thanks!
  • Very welcome!<br><br>I always make my contracts for one day so I can get my dogs back if I want or if the other person forgets to return them. I wish I could have the option to make leases for less than one day.
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