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Hybrid Club(i.e. Wolfdogs,Jackal-Dogs,etc)-Open!

Edit:This club is now open!<br><br><br>So, I was thinking about starting a new club based around breeds of dog that started with domestic dogs hybridizing with various types of wild dogs, such as wolves,jackals, and dingoes. <br><br>There would only be 1 rule:<br><br>Dogs of only the following breeds can be entered:<br>1.Australian Cattle Dog-Founded from the breeding of dingoes with a now extinct breed of sheepdog called the Smithfield.<br><br>2.Saarloos Wolfdog-Founded from the breeding of German Shepherds with Gray Wolves.<br><br>3.Czechoslovakian Wolfdog-Founded from the breeding of German Shepherds with Eurasian (Gray) Wolves.<br><br>4.American Tundra Shepherd-Founded from the breeding of German Shephereds with Alaskan Tundra (Gray) Wolves.<br><br>5.Thai Bangkaew-Founded from the accidental breeding of a mixed breed domestic dog and a golden jackal.<br><br>6.Wolf Hybrid-Any cross between a gray wolf of any subspecies and a domestic dog of any subspecies. Most of the time they are intentionally bred as exotic pets. North American subspecies of gray wolf are almost always used and nordic and/or spitz type breeds such as huskies,malamutes, samoyeds,etc. are almost always the breeds of domestic dog crossed with the wolves. In the case of this game,I believe you can only get a Wolf Hybrid either by breeding two already exsisting Wolf Hybrids together or possibly by breeding an Arctic Wolf with any other breed I think? If you try to breed any other type of wolf with another breed on the game, it will come out as mutt,not a Wolf Hybrid.<br><br>7.Tamaskan Dog-Originally, there was much conservercy over whether or not the Tamaskan actually had any wolf in it or not as it was supposed to be just a wolf-look-alike dog with no wolf in it. DNA testing and new evidence that the founder of the breed was practicing unscruplous practices resulted in her and her daughter getting kicked off of the commitee of their own breed in an ironic twist of fate. And the remaining commitee members came clean and admitted everything, including that it was now known that the Tamaskan not only had Saarloos Wolfdog and Czechoslovakian Wolfdog blood,but also the blood of a high content Wolfdog (or Wolf Hybrid as they are called in this game) in them, thus making them a true wolfdog breed.<br><br>8.Kunming Dog-Founded from the crossing of German Shepherds with "wolfdogs" of unknown heritage that may or may not have actually had any wolf in them.<br><br>9.Sulimov Dog-Founded from the crossing of Lapponian Herder Dogs and Golden Jackals with a few other breeds of domestic dog later added in as well.<br><br>10. Mutt with atleast one parent from any of the following breeds:<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Alexandreian Island Wolfe,Algonquin Wolf,Ethiopian Wolf,Egyptian Jackal,</span>Arabian Wolf,<br>Arctic Wolf,Coyote,Dingo,Eastern Timber Wolf,Iranian Wolf,Mexican Wolf,New Guinea Singing Dog,<br>Red Wolf,Rocky Mountain Wolf, Timber Wolf,White Wolf,Wolf Hybrid<br>(Note:First 4 breeds in the list of breeds that can be in mutts which are bolded are listed not in alphabetical<br>order because they are private breeds and its highly unlikely that anyone will have mutts of them and also, I do <span style="font-weight:bold">not</span> encourage or support the use of these breeds to make mutts without <span style="font-weight:bold">permission</span> from the PB owner.)<br>Also,for the domestic dog half of the mutt,please be reasonable. I don't want something ridiculously unrealistic like Yorkie x Wolf mutts in my club. Things like Siberian Husky x Wolf, Alaskan Husky x Wolf, Greenland Dog x Wolf, Alaskan Malamute x Wolf, Canadian Inuit Dogs x Wolf,any other kind of sled,nordic, or spitz type breed of dog that is either large or on the higher end of medium in size i.e. atleast 18 pounds,German Shepherd, King Shepherd, Bohemian Shepherd,Dutch Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, and almost any other somewhat wolf-like breed of Shepherd dog,pariah and primitive type dogs such as Canaan Dogs, Carolina Dogs, Pharaoh Hounds,Ibizan Hounds, Cretan Hounds,Zulu Dogs,etc.,and other medium to large pointy eared breeds of dog with a somewhat feral appearance such as Australian Cattle Dogs, Australian Coolies, and Australian Kelpies,etc. are the types of breed that would make the most sense to be crossed with wild canines.<br><br>So,to recap the following types of domestic dogs are allowed in a mutt:<br>-Nordic/Spitz/Sled(i.e. Malamutes, Huskies, Laikas, Elkhounds,Bearhounds,Samoyeds, the Asian Spitz breeds such as Jindos,Shiba Inus, Hokkaidos, Kai Kens,Shikokus,and others, etc.)<br>-Shepherd Dogs(i.e. German Shepherd, Dutch Shepherd,all Belgian Shepherd types except for the Lakenois,etc.)<br>-Pariah/Primitive(i.e. Canaan Dog, Carolina Dog,Zulu Dog, Pharaoh Hounds,etc.)<br>-Other Pointy-Eared Somewhat Feral Looking Breeds(i.e. Australian Cattle Dogs, Australian Stumpy Tailed Cattle Dogs, Australian Kelpies, Australian Coolies,etc.)<br><br>The problem is while I do have a sponsorship to make events for the club and stuff, my sponsor kennel is a rescue,not a prestige,so I'd have no way of making club only events and people that aren't part of the club would be able to enter even with totally the wrong breed types,so I'm not sure exactly how the whole club thing will work without a prestige,but anyway, that's my idea if anyone is interested.

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"The cold never bothered me anyway."-Elsa the Snow Queen


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