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edited October 2013 in General Discussion
Hello all XD Epic subject line I know! (really I just couldn't think of anything catchy that would describe the contents on this posting)<br><br>I had to step away from VP once again for the past few weeks due to my RL. I am going to vent a bit about that now, then get to the real point of this post! (If you don't care to read this part, feel free to scroll down to the real point XD)<br><br><span style="color:#BF00BF"><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">VENT/RANT:</span></span></span><br><br>So two weeks ago my boss called me saying that my manager didn't show up for work and that she called in and quit. So he asked if I could come in, and I did. When I got to the office he offered me my managers position, her pay and hours. I jumped on it and agreed (my old position was part time). So I change my school and personal schedule to fit this new full time position. A week goes by and there are NO problems at work, everything is going nicely. Well then I hear that my boss is meeting with my old manager..... He ends up giving her a raise AND gives her the position back! Due to me changing my personal and school schedules, I couldn't take my old shifts back, so I am now getting less hours than I was working the original part time hours I had. I am so mad because I stepped up and helped out, got promoted, then got demoted all cause they decided to bring her back after she just left us all high and dry. <br><br><br>Whew! lol I feel better. Now onto the whole point of this posting XD <br><br>Due to my schedule being so messed up my services will not be as available as they used to be. I have listed them below and the times that they will be open and available for use.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Sponsor Training</span></span> -- My training services will be open ONLY when stated in the BP and only on the day of the posting. Unfortunately I don't have the time I used to in order to train =( <br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Eventing</span></span> -- Public eventing will be open whenever I am online! I have always offered this service and will continue to do so. If I am online then this service is OPEN! <br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Boarding</span></span> -- I wont lie about this one. I will TRY to check my Boarding kennel once everyday, but I wont say for sure cause sometimes I don't have the time. My eventers are located there and I will be trying to event them everyday so as I said I will do my best =) I would still love players to board with me.<br><br><br>Thank you for your time in reading this and y'all have a good day XD


  • Wow! I'm pretty sure that's against the law - unless you didn't sign a contract D:<br>They should have at the very least kept your old position (If I'm right, they're supposed to keep your old job open for two weeks while you transfer/hand in your notice though they're allowed to interview.). Your boss sounds like a bit of a tool :(
  • Yeah I didn't sign anything.... <br><br>I have been actively looking for a better job since all of this happened. It really sucks that peoples morals nowadays are at an all time LOW! It hurts that I stepped up and proved myself to ALL of my co-workers, just to get a big slap in the face for trying to do the right thing.<br><br>But it is what it is and there is something better for me out there XD
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