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Saying Goodbye...

edited August 2013 in Vent
Having to say goodbye sucks :(<br>Over the past few weeks I've had to say goodbye to all of my friends who are parting ways for college and I didn't think it would be this tough. I went to a very small high school and LITERALLY grew up with these kids. I've known many of them for about 13 years and knowing that I won't see them on the first day of class is hard to get my mind around. <br><br>Yesterday, I said goodbye to my amazing horses that I will not be able to see for a few months due to living on campus. I've essentially given Romeo to some amazing people that I know will take very good care of him for the next few years when I can't be there but it's still tough :/ Leaving Romeo was especially hard because of how hard I've worked with him and I'm scared that without the daily training that he will go back into his bad habits and I'll have to start all over again. I really hope that the people I've left him with understand just how much work and constant training he needs to be a good horse.<br> <br>It's amazing to me that animals can always tell when something is wrong - when I was saying my goodbye to Ro he was in his stall eating. Every time I turned to leave, he would turn around and block me from leaving the stall and just stare at me until I would pet him again. Usually, he would just ignore me leaving him alone to eat. When I finally managed to step out before bursting into tears, he came to the stall door and started to nicker like he does when he greets me in the mornings: it's his way of saying hello to me. It was about this time that I just broke down into tears :(<br><br>Anyways - saying goodbye to people and animals sucks :( I may be a bit absent from VP for a while because classes start next week but I'll be popping in whenever I get the chance!
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