Working my way through the made ports I acquired. And realised that the Irish water spaniels hadn't yet hit 10s.<br><br>So got my first ever public first 10x4. So will be auctioning one off. This is NOT the dog you will be getting, I have another pair I want to breed up so I have a couple more 10s. But it's an example of what their stats turn out to be:<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>There is no guarantee it will be a male or female dog. And depending on the winner the dog will most likely be neutered so gender doesn't really matter lol.<br><br>Will end this Sunday night. Happy bidding.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">HB:</span> 6mil<br><br>[EDIT]<br>Just incase it gets missed below: dog listed above will be the one I sell because the other pair didn't want to play nice and give me more 10s
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