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San Diego Comic Con?

Every year I tell myself that I'll go the following year - and I don't end up remembering until the following year when I'm watching recorded coverage of all my favorite panels xD THIS YEAR I am really serious about buying maybe a 4 day pass for next year, if I can get my hands on one at least - if not I'll be fine with a one day pass even.<br><br>Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has ever been? Is it worth spending all that money? xD<br><br>I'm just waiting for my email over here - though, I'm sure they won't be announcing ticket sales until mid August sometime. We'll see.


  • I want to go too! <br><br>I don't know if I could ever actually spend the amount of money it would take to get me there though. xD The only thing I've really heard about it is the lines are ridiculously long. But who wouldn't wait in a line to see their favorite panels? I know I would. You should totally go!
  • <span style="color:#400080">I've not been to the San Diego Comic Con but recently started going to local cons near me. Last October me, my boyfriend, and my brother went to Scarefest which was a horror con plus more and it was really neat. Then around my birthday in march we went to a comic and toy con and this weekend we are going to Fandomfest. I don't really get into the events or even really see them. We usually only go for one day and look at all the booths and take pics of and with people in costumes. I would love to dress up one year.</span>
  • I've never been to Comic Con but I have had some friends who go and say it's a TOOON of fun if you know where to go and how to manage your time. I believe they got 4 day passes and did a cosplay for a couple days. :) they recommended it to me so I'll pass the recommendation onto you!<br><br> I've been to VidCon (it was AMAZINGGG!) but would love to go to Comic Con and Leaky Con :D
  • <span style="color:#400080">I've not been to the San Diego Comic Con but recently started going to local cons near me. Last October me, my boyfriend, and my brother went to Scarefest which was a horror con plus more and it was really neat. Then around my birthday in march we went to a comic and toy con and this weekend we are going to Fandomfest. I don't really get into the events or even really see them. We usually only go for one day and look at all the booths and take pics of and with people in costumes. I would love to dress up one year.</span>
    <br><br>Oh jeez, I would LOVE to dress up. As what/whom - I don't know, but I would totes dress up xD<br><br>
    I've never been to Comic Con but I have had some friends who go and say it's a TOOON of fun if you know where to go and how to manage your time. I believe they got 4 day passes and did a cosplay for a couple days. :) they recommended it to me so I'll pass the recommendation onto you!<br><br> I've been to VidCon (it was AMAZINGGG!) but would love to go to Comic Con and Leaky Con :D
    <br><br>Leaky Con is also on my list! Before I die, I MUST attend lol Comic Con is just cheaper to attend for me, since it's in the same state. AHH, but Leaky Con would be AMAZING. I've always joked that I'd attend as a Dirigible Plum :3 Would be interesting.
  • I didn't go to Comic Con, but I bet it's going to be a lot of fun if you do go!<br>They always seem sold out every year, or maybe that's just me. xD<br>But I did go to Anime Expo - and it was a blast, so I bet comic con would be even better.
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