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LOL at my mom

edited July 2013 in Vent
On a social networking site me and my friend (ima call her Kia) where having a discussion about Harry Potter<br><br>I started saying that I wished I hadn't put the 4th film on cause Rob Patterson is in it.<br>Kia: back when he could act and not look like he was always in pain<br>Me: His face still annoys me<br>Kia: what square face lol<br>me: Yea<br>Kia: hehe i used to like him but he went weird in twilight<br>me: I kinda liked him at the start of twilight, and then he got all weird and annoying with his square face and all... at least we have a bit of Tom Felton (Draco) in this film before he became EVIL! well more so than before... <br>Kia: i liked him since prisoner of askaban, he went from a ugly looking kid to nicer looking<br>me: Yea I agree, he was a pretty ugly kid... Rupert Grint gets a little better looking in this film too... Dan seems to start getting ugly from this point on though<br>Kia: Yea i agree<br><br>and then my mom buts in and is all like:<br>My God give the boys a break. You girlies are harsh!<br><br><br>made me lol... sorry for anyone who didn't notice Robs face before, cause your going to notice it now... OOoops
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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