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Sorry guys Dx

edited July 2013 in Vent
I've been really busy lately and haven't been on to finish my training! I know I have a dog to finish for both Zag and Fly and I'm going to get that done today!<br><br>Faythe has refused to eat for three days and I was so happy when she finally ate last night.. Sadly an hour later she thre it up all over my bed..<br><br>On another note, my family has really ticked me off. My truck got totaled by my brother not that long ago after me letting him borrow it for work (most of you saw the post). Well now its parked in his yard while he claims to be "fixing" it. So far, he's taken the tailgate off. Yes, seriously. My mom informed me that once my brother fixes it, he's keeping it. Claiming "why should he have to give it back after putting so much money into it". My dad refuses to talk about it any time I bring it up, so I don't know his view on the subject.. like, seriously?<br><br>That's the same thing as me borrowing Vampy's car and totaling it, then fixing it and keeping it. No. You wreck someones truck/car, YOU pay for it and you give it back. End of discussion. It just really ticks me off...


  • Omg Garn, that's terrible, why on earth would your mom think that cause he should pay for damages not get to keep it, that totally sucks, i'm sorry to hear about your family being stupid...<br><br>Also I hope Faythe gets better soon, horrible when pets are ill, i really hope she gets better for you... <br><br>I really feel for you with the family, my dad keeps getting on my nerves at the moment, doing stupid stuff so its something I totally relate to right now x <br><br>Hope things in general get better for you xx
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Thanks Tiggy! I gave my dad some money when he left for work this morning to buy different food. Hopefully once we get her switched over gradually she will hold the food down easier :(<br><br>Idk what I'm gonna do about the truck. My boyfriend said that he would just put a down payment on a new one and I really appreciate that but its just not the point, ya know?
  • Oh i know exactly what you mean about that, its defo not the point, its nice that he's willing to put a down payment on a new one for you though :) PM me if you like :) I hope the new food helps for Faythe :)
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • So he damages your car then when he fixes it which (he should have to anyway because its his fault) he gets to keep it? That just doesnt seem right and you shouldnt have to get a new car out your own cost because he decides he wants to keep it <br>,anyway i hope your doggie feels better soon :)
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • ivybear93 wrote:
    So he damages your car then when he fixes it which (he should have to anyway because its his fault) he gets to keep it? That just doesnt seem right and you shouldnt have to get a new car out your own cost because he decides he wants to keep it <br>,anyway i hope your doggie feels better soon :)
    <br><br>That's exactly right! My mom said "Well he isnt going to put that kind of money into a truck he isnt getting to keep" im like... "really? HE wrecked it! HE should pay for the repairs!" my mom and dad gave me a paid off 2002 monte carlo and then my brother couldnt make the notes on the truck that my dad bought him so he asked if we could trade. i traded my paid off car for his truck that we still owed 20k+ on.. the car has a blown head gasket now so its not running so i let him borrow my truck to get back and forth to work and he totaled it. now it looks like im not getting my truck back even after he repairs it and im also not getting the car. so he gets both my car and gets the truck back. on top of him already having a dodge sitting in his yard that all it needs is brakes..
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