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Pick up your crap and maybe it wont get ruined

edited March 2013 in Vent
Ugh. So my kitten gets blamed for chewing on my moms bfs daughters ipod cord. Well you think she would learn after 3 cords to not leave them down hes only 8 months old, thats what kittens do. They are like a baby they dont know good from bad. (If i see him chewing cords he gets in trouble) but seriously she wouldnt have anything to complain about if she just picked the thing up, but no thats WAY too hard for her to do. So next time he chews it up dont sit there and blame me when you have went threw three of them and still decide to leave them laying on the ground. Stupid. And then she wants to sit there and say she hates my cat, again its YOUR own fault as to why YOUR cords get chewed when you do not pick up YOUR own cords so stop blaming me, my mom, and my cat. Its YOUR responsibility. Ugh. And on top of all that she likes to call ALL of my mom and my animals "her" animals like for real they are NOT yours if you do NOT take care of them or even care about them, so stop trying to show off to all your "friends" by saying you have all these animals because when the time comes and we leave and take the animals all your "animals" will be gone and you will be seen as a liar when there is not ONE SINGLE animal left at this house for you to call "yours". Theres my mini vent.
My real life horse! (:


  • My dog likes to pull things off the counter and chew them up. I had a ruined ipod cord myself. My sister doesn't take care of -any- of our animals. She never plays with our dogs (One is my moms and one is mine). They leave their stuff out too. Every time I can't watch my dog, I make sure I go through the kitchen (that's where she is confined) and make sure everything is put away and out of reach. It's always my responsibility regardless if the items are mine or not. I hear your frustration. While it may not be your stuff, its -your- cat thats ripping stuff up as well. Try to watch your cat when you can and remind your sister to pick things up? I know its not fun to be the keeper of other peoples' things :/. I get no help from my sister with either dog. Nothing. I ask her to let one of them out once and I get a hissy fit back at me. Sisters.. am I right? xD
  • I am somewhat on both sides of this fence lol... I often take my dogs to my mom's house while I'm visiting. I try to make sure they don't have access to anything that could get them in trouble but it's a relatively big house and I can't be in 3 places at once. While all of my dogs are pretty well behaved, I can't help it if one of them finds a balled up pair of socks and thinks it's a fun toy :lol: <br><br>I agree with tarnish, you just have to try to keep an eye on your animals because they are *your* responsibility. Just make sure to remind those you share a house with that your kitten is only a kitten after all, and it's just like having a baby in the house, everyone needs to do their part.
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  • Yeah she gets told by everyone to make sure she picks up her stuff and she still leaves it laying around. I try to watch him, but I have work so I cant be watching him all the time. And They wanted me to start locking him in a dog kennel so he wouldn't chew cords, I personally do not think that is fair for a 8 month old kitten to be locked up just because she cant pick up her things. Hes a baby he doesn't know any better.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Is there a room you can leave the kitten while you were gone? My two cats when they were little were kept in a room when we couldn't watch them. As they got older they got the whole house. It's just like dogs, when they are young you have to confine them when you can't keep your eyes on them. =)<br><br>Tricky situation! Isn't there something you can spray on stuff that makes it less desirable to chew? Not sure if that would work or not. Hopefully your cat breaks this habit as he gets older =)
  • No theres no room to leave him in, which is why they want him in a kennel when we cant watch him. But he doesnt chew on any other cords, only the iPod cords.
    My real life horse! (:
  • What a picky cat! No wait.. that's most cats! xD
  • Cats are tricky little things when they are babies, chew absolutely everything, what I suggest is that before you go out you pick up your sisters stuff and put it in a drawer (I know thats not your responsibility), if she gets it out and leaves it whilst you are out then it's her problem, but at least you have moved them out of the way before you have gone out, so then she can't really blame you. <br><br>Other than that, I don't know what to suggest, but at least its not ruining your sofa's and walls... my cats scratched all the walls and the sofas when they were born... my dad was more than angry at them, but has now replaced the wallpaper now that the cats have gone.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • About the only times he chews them is while im not home, which is when im working, which is when she is here and has them out. we've actually have had one sitting out for a little over a week and he hasnt been chewing that one, maybe he just knows that i cant stand her. Lol.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Maybe he needs a playmate to stay out of mischief.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I WISH! Oh man two kittens now that would be a handful! And they wouldn't allow it, so im his friend, we do have 2 other cats but they stay outside, and he likes out bigger dog zeke so he will play with him a few times. But i would love to get him a friend.
    My real life horse! (:
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