Kind of a funny vent but it's driving me INSANE. <br>Lately, Romeo (my AQH for those of you who don't know him) has gotten into the habit of licking me like a dog when he greets me. It's not even like the 'bad' licking, he doesn't lip at me or nose me, he just licks me like a puppy haha<br>At first it was cute but now I find myself being COVERED in horse slobber whenever I'm around him for more than 5 minutes. I understand when he does it in the summer because I'm sweaty and taste like salt, but he's licking my hoodies, or my pant leg, not my skin. <br>I've tried to stop him because I don't want it to turn into nipping but he won't stop! I've even had to give him a couple good smacks. He backs away then comes right back up to me with his ears forward and licks me again. <br><br>Any suggestions on how to get him to stop? I love the kisses and all but it's getting a little weird lol
And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes