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Baby Bully :]

So, my boyfriend found this big little guy in the city about three days ago; and absolutely fell in love with him. I put up some flyers and got a call about him within a day. When I told Damion that I found the puppy's owner he got all depressed and didn't want to give it back, so after talking to the EX owner.... we now have a new family member!<br><br>I had a few minutes to stop by and take some more pics of him today:<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#600060">Adorable Face:</span></span> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... prince.jpg</a><br><br><span style="color:#000080"><span style="font-weight:bold">Lanky Stage:</span> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... rince2.jpg</a><br><br><span style="color:#008080">Beautiful eyes:</span> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... rince4.jpg</a><br><br><span style="color:#FFBF40">His Star :]</span> :</span> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... rince3.jpg</a><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#004040">Frumpiness!:</span></span> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... rince6.jpg</a><br><br><span style="color:#BF0040"><span style="font-weight:bold">"Sit." : </span></span> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... rince5.jpg</a><br><br><br>Not sure if you can tell by the pictures, but his left ear is shorter then the right; because the man that previously owned him tried to crop him with a pair of scissors, and failed, of course. We're planning on getting that fixed. The scarring is terrible around the edges and very sensitive. He's also missing his dew claw on his left paw, they took that off as well. :( Only 9 weeks old and he's already been through such terrible pain. I don't know how someone could do those horrible things to him, or who was stupid enough to attempt it, but this adoption is really a <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">rescue</span></span>!<br><br>Damion's been calling the puppy "Prince" this whole time, but not on purpose; his Pitbull that escaped and was killed about 5 months ago was named Prince, so it's a habit. We're still looking for names. I wanted his name to have something to do with the star on his chest maybe. I think it's so unique, never owned a dog with markings like his. <span style="font-weight:bold">Suggestions?</span> So far we (as in, Damion) like: Midnight, Cyrus, Nova, Astro and Sterlin'. But I think some of those are too feminine, and they don't have enough to do with his story...
Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD


  • Oh my goodness! He is so cute! Those eyes! <3 Poor little bugger, as if they put him through all of that D: Some people amaze me with their actions.<br><br>Name Suggestion: Rockie's *gives you my addess* lol<br>He looks like a Zephyr or Xavier to me ^.^
  • want want want!<br>He's adorable and has such a touching story!
  • The bf doesn't really like animals at all, and he said he never wanted a dog. I'm pretty sure it's the puppy's eyes that got to him! We found out who did that to his ear. Turns out they tried to cut him, failed, then just let the cut heal on it's own. The litter mates kept biting at the wound though, so it made it 10x worse. :/ <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">@RockStar<;/span></span> - I like Zephyr! If i'm pronouncing it right in my head. However, none of that matters anymore, because he decided that the dog's name is Luka... and I don't have the power to change it! -sob- D;<br>He's Russian. -__- Did you know they LOVE their bully breeds in Russia? 0_0 <br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">@ Coaster & Zag</span></span> - He's a little reject puppy, but the cuteness is definitely still there. xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • No! He must must must must change his name to cosmos. <span style="font-size:50">And please explain to me how you came about dating a klutz who doesn't like animals and names things Luka.</span>
  • Emme, the second part I can't explain. Russian dudes are weird I guess. What's even worse is the puppy already comes to the name Luka. -__- And it kinda matches him, in person. <br><br>Cosmos is a terrible name anyway! <span style="font-size:60">(No offense to anyone names Cosmos)</span> What's wrong with you!?? :mrgreen:
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • After a landslide vote Cosmos is officially 9.956282882282828 X 10<span style="font-size:50">67</span> times better than Luka.
  • Cosmo is the little green haired fairy on that one cartoon. You want me to name his Pitbull after a fairy that grants a little boy's wishes? -_-<br><br>I didn't like the name at first, either. Especially after I found out who Luka is. -_o <br><br>The point is that it works! His entire name can be Luka Cosmos Alexander Azarov ... although "Cosmos" just throws it off...
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Cosmo may be a fairy, but COSMOS is the universe seen as a well ordered whole, or a system of thought. Add a Bucephalus is there somewhere.
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