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10x4 Thai Bangkaew : Ended Early

edited January 2013 in Auction
<span style="color:#8000BF">Well I've come to then end of my Thai Bangkaew line and have 2 10x4's to auction off. This line was bred and trained from imports. There is one male and one female. They will come neutered and with my brand [HH] in front of the name you choose UNLESS bin'd. If bin'd they will come intact and unnamed. These dogs are untouched and are in boarding and will be kept in boarding until sold. As always I reserve all rights to this auction.<br><br>Start Date: 1/3/13<br>End Date: 1/4/13<br><br><br>
<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Male</a><br>SB: 100k<br>HB: 500k - Rock_N_Roll_Queen90 <br>MBI: 50k<br>BIN: 8mil<br><br>
<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Female</a><br>SB: 100k<br>HB: <br>MBI: 50k<br>BIN: 8mil<br><br>
</span><br><span style="color:#00BF00"><br>-Winners- VictoriaABCGinellis</span>


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