To start off with, I'm not making this post so that I'll get sympathy and what not. I'm making it because I'm really ticked off/hurt, and I have nobody to talk to about it at the moment.<br><br>Since 2005 I've worked as a volunteer and instructor at a therapeutic riding program. Along the way I bonded very closely with a little Welsh Pony/Haflinger mixed pony. I also became extremely close to my "boss", she's like a second mother to me. She -knows- how important the pony is to me. <br>A few minutes ago I got bored and decided I'd go to the website of the farm where the pony is located. What do I find? An updating stating that he passed away on the 25th. I would think that my boss/second mom would've called to notify me (she talks to the pony's owners, whereas I don't). I know she knew about his passing since she had posted a comment on the update.
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt