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Where do you find RF pics?

So I've always had a hard time finding royalty free pics, until I stumbled upon WikiCommons. It's a great place to find pics to use, but I'm just wondering if anybody could tell me any other sites. And yes I've tried googling "royalty free pictures" and such, but I haven't had much luck with that.<br><br>Thanks for any help :)


  • <span style="color:#400080">I use corbis images a lot :]</span>
  • Corbis is actually not a royalty free website -- in order to use images within the royalty free category, you have to pay a one time licensing fee for each image you want to purchase.Their "royalty free" simply means that you don't have to pay each time you use it. The amount varies based on the artist, size, and topic, but if I remember correctly, most of the licensing fees were upwards of $100. <br><br>With the right search (selecting creative commons licenses or stock photos, and adhering to their use policies), these websites are fairly decent;<br><br> <br>
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • Ah cool, thank you for the info :) Now I'm going to go photo hunting,lol.
  • Anastasia wrote:
    Corbis is actually not a royalty free website -- in order to use images within the royalty free category, you have to pay a one time licensing fee for each image you want to purchase.Their "royalty free" simply means that you don't have to pay each time you use it. The amount varies based on the artist, size, and topic, but if I remember correctly, most of the licensing fees were upwards of $100. <br><br>With the right search (selecting creative commons licenses or stock photos, and adhering to their use policies), these websites are fairly decent;<br><br> <br>
    <br><br><br><span style="color:#400080">Ahhh I did not know this about Corbis, was told by others to use it lol but you live and learn. Thanks for the info Ana this is very good to know!! :mrgreen: </span>
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