Clearly, this is a Club designed for Herding Dogs. I've noticed a lot of players have great Herding Dogs just lying around in their kennel, so I figured I might as well put them to good use! 8) <br><br>Admission Information: <br><br>1. Dog MUST be trained with at least 80 in Working. <br><br>2. Dog MUST be named and entered in Events regularly.<br><br>100 in Handling isn't required, but it is recommended.<br><br>Once you have submitted an entry, please message me and I will take a look at your applicant. If the pup meets the 2 short requirements, it will be accepted into the club!<br><br>I WILL post in the Bark Park when new events are posted!<br><br><br>There ARE prizes involved, and events occur often. I don't run events unless I have 20+ entries. <br><br>Since the club has some pretty rough competition, Prizes are based off of how many events your dogs enter, NOT how well they do in events.<br><br>For Additional Information, here is the club page: <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Take a Look & Enter Today!<br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /> <br><br> HAPPY HERDING!
All Time Low Kennel Branches: Boarding. Prestige. Breeding. Giftie. Holding.