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Rescue kennals before 6 months?

edited December 2012 in Questions/Support
Im pretty new to rescue kennels but I was 99% sure it took 6 months until kennels could be rescued from. I bookmark kennels and their dates, and I check on them a day or two before they should be rescued from, but sometimes, the dogs are gone, and the date on the kennel still states its a couple days until the 6 month point.<br> So is the 6 month rule just a rough estimate sort of? I always thought it was 6 months to the day.


  • Not normally six months to the day. You will need to do some testing to get the day and time down. Start with a kennel you know is getting ready and then start checking a few days ahead of time to get the exact time. :-) Hope this helps!
  • Game time isn't like normal time. Game goes by minutes, I believe, not by days or dates. This means if there are less 31-day months in that time, or if February is in there, it may come up before the actual "date". Last accessed on the 16th of the month doesn't mean it'll be available for rescue on the 16th of the month 6 months later. It will come up earlier, some times several days when February, with only 28 days, is in there.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Oh that makes so much more sense, makes it a little more competitive as well! Thankyou!
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