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Stress Headaches

edited December 2012 in Vent
I'm sick of getting stress headaches. <br>School, work, friends, just everything in general is KILLING me lately.<br><br>Anyone else get them? Any tips on how to deal with them?


  • I've been getting them recently as well. Generally, I take about 10 or 15 minutes, blast the radio and attempt to just breath for that time. Seems to help mine. At least until I start feeling stressed again.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I get them sometimes. I've had them alot recently. I just sit down and relax and listen to music, or just go out and see my horse! She calms me down ALOT! (:
  • I occasionally get stress-induced headaches/migraines, usually after some sort of argument or conflict. I think the first step for you is to try and identify <span style="font-style:italic">where</span> the stress is coming from -- school? work? horses? parents? siblings? friends? Obviously you can't completely eliminate any of those options, but if you can identify the biggest trigger, you can take more steps to relax in related situations.<br><br>In addition to making sure you're eating, hydrating, and sleeping well, you could try an OTC painkiller for some of the headaches. The downsides are decreased effectiveness and possible side-effects of long-term use, so if you're getting headaches daily, it might not be a good choice. Everyone is a bit different as far as treating a stress headache (or any headache), so the following are just suggestions that you can adapt to fit you.<br><br>1) Yoga. It is believed that practicing yoga on a regular basis has sigificant impacts on physical, mental, and emotional health. <br>2) Essential oils. You can add these to a bath or shower, to your pillows or blankets, put it on a ceramic heater, etc. Scents are a big part of our lives, and it's believed that certain essences can positively affect our health. You can usually find the oils just about anywhere, and they're generally priced affordably. For example, you might benefit from a mix of lavender, chamomile, jasmine, and sandalwood. Those are all 'relaxing' or 'soothing' scents that are very common in sprays, lotions, etc. <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">This</a> is a good guide on the various scents and suggested uses. <br>3) Meditation. It's pretty much the same concept as yoga (at least to me), but without the stretching. You can be as in-depth with it as you like by adding: soft instrumental music, complete silence, oil blends, breathing exercises, soft mantra chanting, and so forth. Usually regular music isn't used, but if listening to Imagine Dragons helps you relax more than instrumental does, then you can use that instead. ;P<br>4) Play games. If you can find a something that allows you to burn out frustration, go for it. It's best to avoid the computer though, as the screens can strain your eyes and actually cause a headache. You could try archery, darts, kickboxing, martial arts, dance, paintballing, or some other activity. <br>5) Massages. Even a simple foot or back massage can help relax you, improve your posture, and help your circulation. <br>6) Don't overextend yourself. Learn to say no when your schedule is already crammed. Try not to procrastinate on any assignments or tasks, and try to get similar tasks done at the same time. For example, if you're preparing lunch that requires onions, and your dinner will require onions, why not cut up enough for both meals while you're at it? If you're tired, try to take it slow, and maybe cut out the unnecessary activities for that day.<br><br>Your health is important, so you should really consider scheduling relaxation time into your daily schedule. Before or after school/work, before you go to bed, after you wake up, before/after a meal, etc. You should be able to have at least an hour to just do your own thing, even if you have to break it down into smaller intervals. <br><br>You might also need to talk to a doctor regarding the headaches, as it could be something more. My younger brother suddenly got chronic headaches/migraines that would last weeks at a time. When he finally went to the doctor, they found out that his body was producing too much adrenaline in response to stress, so he had to be put on prescription medication. Obviously not everybody with a stress headache would be like him, but stress can cause a lot of imbalances within the body that can create more significant issues after time.
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • I used to get them ALL the time. They're definitely not fun. I had a prescription that my doctor gave me for them so usually I would just take that and drink some cold water, also I have found that mints sometimes help. I usually just watch tv or something to get my mind of the throbbing lol<br><br>They def. stink :(
  • Thanks for all you tips you guys :) I appreciate it!
  • I get them when into into the heart of the city, I can't deal with all the people if makes me anxious which leads to stress. I usually just take painkillers but I wouldn't recommend taking them daily. I try and get away from the crowds which makes me feel better, so just taking yourself away from the situation should help. Also set some time aside to just relax like half an hour a day. Since I have a heavy work load which also males me stressed but if I take a bit of time to relax it really helps
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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