So I created a Sport Mix PB and got my 10x4's and just recently found out which puppy I am getting in real life.<br><br>The breed in a mixture of border collie, border terrier, staffy terrier, jack russel and whippet. They create the height dog for a flyball team in the NAFA flyball regions.<br><br>Well I need help with picking out a name! My current dog's name is Kaida which means Little Dragon in Japanese. I don't want the puppy to have a coarse or hard name but I like different names. If it helps the mother's name is Hoopla and Dad is Bimmer.<br><br>I can't seem to get a picture to load but a description of her is she is white with big black spots on her body with a black head and small white blaze<br><br>Who ever's name I pick will win 2 million
. You can enter as many names as you'd like.
<br><br>-Cleo ~ Deprived from Cleopatra. <br><br>-Akira ~ Meaning "Bright" in Japanese<br><br>-Keiko ~ Meaning "Celebrate" in Japanese. <br><br>-Kalea ~ Meaning "Joy" or "Happiness" in Hawaiian.<br><br>Those are my few ideas for now. (: My favorite is Keiko because not only is it in Japanese, like Kaida's, but it's catchy and starts with a 'K", to match Kaida. Kaida and Keiko... Sounds good, right? xD<br><br><br>Here are a few more: <br><br>Aimi (Amy) - Meaning "Love" or "Beauty" in Japanese<br>Jaci (Jaycee, Jacy) - Meaning Moon in Native American Tupi.<br>Echo<br>Clover<br>Kami, (Kammy, Kammi)<br>Lulu, <br>Libby,<br>Nala,<br>Oreo,<br>Cookie,<br>Roxie, (Roxy, Roxi,)<br>Tootsie (Pop xD)<br>Yoda, <br>Amber,<br>Aqua, <br>Garnet,<br>Opal,<br>Ash,<br>Audi
All Time Low Kennel Branches: Boarding. Prestige. Breeding. Giftie. Holding.
All Time Low Kennel Branches: Boarding. Prestige. Breeding. Giftie. Holding.
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
All Time Low Kennel Branches: Boarding. Prestige. Breeding. Giftie. Holding.
See that dog in my signature? He's mine )