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No more doggies

edited November 2012 in Vent
So, ive never posted on this thread before i don't think, and im just having a rough time dealing with this and so i thought i would try this.<br><br>So i had to move from my moms house to my dads house (like 1000 miles away) and sadly had to leave my beloved aspen behind :( and this is the first time in my life not having a dog, and its just really sucky. My mom tells me that aspen still just lays in the window waiting for me to come home and its been over 2 months now :/ i feel really bad for leaving aspen and that it was selfish of me to leave her behind. I had a choice whether or not to move but they would not let me bring her with me. I needed to move away from there because of personal reasons but hate that i left her. They tell me shes like a total different dog now and that she doesn't even play as much anymore. I hoping that here in like a year when i turn [edited by staff; do not give out personal information] that i can get her back, but then im sure she wont even remember me anymore and then i couldn't take her away from my mom. I dream about her every night, its kinda nice to see her sometimes even if it is only in my dreams, but then again its really sad cause its always just me saying goodbye to her over and over again. oh i just miss her so much, she was like the best dog ever, and my first dog and i only got to be with her her first year of her life.<br><br>Im not really looking for anyone to make me feel better or anything, i just thought i would type it out cause i can't talk to anyone in rl about it, cause every one just goes.." oh shes just a dog" ... but she wasn't just a dog to me, she was my best friend and apart of the family.


  • <span style="color:#400080">They really are more than just a dog to so many people and I can totally relate to this. There have been times in my life where I've had to be without my beloved dogs, sometimes it was temporary other times it was permanent. Its never an easy situation to be in that's for sure. </span>
  • they definitely are.. and thank you for your reply and sympathy.
  • Aw I'm sorry Poppom. I go crazy just being away from my dog for just a day! I can't imagine being that away that long. I won't worry about her forgetting you, I'm sure she loves you too much for her to do so. I hope you get to see her soon.
    Here have a band-aid
  • sometimes i worry that she won't forget me because she was very attached to me and we were very close. but idk some times i hope that she will because shes just miserable now and it make me feel so sad cause i just left her, and now shes sad. So i wish she would just forget about me and be happy again.
  • Awwww poor pom... I totally get you and she definitely was not just a dog to you. She was your best friend. I had to give up my kitty last year and I miss him loads. I don't know how he's doing or anything because he was given to another family. So I feel your pain. I also saw a kitty that looked just like him the other day. Was sad. <br><br>If you ever need to talk to anyone I'm here :D
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • I'm sorry. That really must be awful. She's not just a dog, and I think dogs can truly love someone. I think Aspen really loves you, and feels the same way as you do.
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