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edited December 2012 in Vent
Today in Junior ROTC, [Edited, do not give out names] said we had to put together a speech, and present it in front of the whole class. The problem with that is he chose the Navy Seals for me. I know nothing about them. Well, the speech has to be 8-10 minutes long, 3 or more powerpoint slides, and have a public speaker come talk to us and all this is worth 400 points. On top of that we have an essay due right before that worth 100 points. I wish someone could present it for me xD


  • <span style="font-size:85">It could be a learning experience! [: What specifically about the Navy Seals are you speaking on? What they do? Is there anyway you could convince your partner to change topics to something you both know about? </span> <span style="font-size:50">I hate speeches. Especially on topics I know nothing about. Lol</span>
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