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Bearded Dragon Question

Note: Sorry if this is in the wrong place >.<<br><br>Anyways, I recently bought a Beardie, he's roughly 2 years old. I've been doing the exact same stuff that the previous owner was doing, and everything was fine. Until two days ago. He's been sitting on his rock, under his basking light, with his mouth open. I've read that that means he's too hot. Does anybody know if that's actually true? When he does that, I spray him, and shut the basking light off for 10 minutes.<br><br>Here he is if you guys want to see him: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;


  • Its a normal thing. As long as you've a hot end and a cooler end then you've nothing to worry about. They are stupid animals that will just sit there with their mouth open instead of walk a foot in the opposite direction to the cooler end. Think it is more common for the males to do it, as my male will do it. But haven't seen the females do it yet.
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  • Oh ok. Thank you for the info :)
  • PaperWings wrote:
    Its a normal thing. As long as you've a hot end and a cooler end then you've nothing to worry about. They are stupid animals that will just sit there with their mouth open instead of walk a foot in the opposite direction to the cooler end. Think it is more common for the males to do it, as my male will do it. But haven't seen the females do it yet.
    <br>I agree. I had a pair of dragons, one male and one female, and the male would often be seen doing the same thing. Just sitting there with his mouth opened, so I would spray him and he would be fine. I never had that issue with my female though, she would move to the cooler side of the tank and stay there.
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  • Aww. Our Beardies should be luvas RockStar. xD lol. I have a female and she doesn't do what you're describing, but when I had my male he did that all the time. He should be fine.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • lmao First the bunnies, now the beardies Zyn?<br><br>So...basically all males are lazy? Typical >.> .... Of course I was talking about bearded dragons there ^.^
  • Nah, males be lazy in all species. xD<br><br>Our amimalz was meant for each other!
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • lol :D<br><br>Well now if that's the truth *hands you Mishka* give my girl rattie to your ratties, and maybe they'll straighten her out. (She's so mean Zyn!)
  • That might not work out. LoLo is a big sweetheart, he's got the perfect personality and he's the best rat i've ever owned. But Dioji... you wanna see mean you gotta meet Dioji. He bites EVERYONE but me and will attack EVERYTHING. He's attacked other rats, dogs, humans, cats, birds. <br>He's the devil in rat form.... Maybe they -are- perfect for each other.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • That sounds like a male Mishka! Except she's bitten everyone -including- me! I swore I'd never buy another rat from Petco because of her, yet last week what'd I end up doing?
  • You got another rattie!? I must see! If Mishka is like Dioji then their babies would be absolute terrors. And you're right, Dioji's from PetCo... so <span style="font-weight:bold">they</span> must be to blame. O.o I think I got lucky with LoLo. Or maybe Albinos are just sweethearts.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Yes, I have a rat addiction >.> Yes, it's all Petco's fault! Or well, the breeders fault, they should handle them O.O<br>Here ya go, here's Raven: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; <br>I'm kinda guessing this thread is going to get moved to Pets. Now I feel bad for posting here D:
  • Aww. She's a little dark one. How old now? The only solid color i've owned is LoLo. Is she nice? Or will she also be evil? 0.0 <br><br>Yes, it probably will be moved. It's not your fault, you didn't know annoying ol me would show up and demand pictures! xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Or could just stop posting here and start a new thread in the right location for pet updates =)
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  • Wait! This is still general discussion, we just went off topic for a bit. But now, back on track with the beardie. @RockStar, "When a bearded dragon reaches its thermal maximum, it will often sit with its mouth open. This behavior, called gaping, shows that the lizard is at its optimal temperature for basking. This gaping will allow a bearded dragon to dissipate extra body heat. Since lizards don’t sweat, this is an effective way for them to regulate their body temperature. It is important that your bearded dragon habitat have a thermal gradient, so that your lizards can move to a cooler location, if they so desire, once they have reached their optimum body temperatures."<br><br>There ya go! xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Thats rite! ;p My beardie always does that. i think mine is the dumbest dragon of all. The things he does is ridiculous. :roll:
  • @Zyn: Yea, she's a berkshire rex ^.^ Ah that's very interesting beardie info! See now what I read went something like "When your dragons' mouth is gaping open, it means that its overheating. If the situation isn't handled with soon, it could be fatal. Spray it with water and shut the lights off" I'm -so- glad you can trust EVERYTHING you read on the internet >.><br><br>@Moon: Weird little creatures aren't they? lol
  • With your viv/housing you should have a hot end and a cooler end. Dragons aren't THAT dumb to sit there if they are so hot they are close to death. If you have your bulb in one end of the viv it should be fine. Easier if you've some thermometers to help monitor things. I've got some of these: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>They come with a sticky patch you just stick to the wall of the viv, nice and clear to read too. Cooler end should be maybe 80f, and personally my hottest (right under the bulb) is 120f lol.
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  • Yep, Ozzy has a cool and warm end. I do need to get thermometers though. I was going to ask what type to buy, but you answered :) Thanks
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