<span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#800000"><a href="
http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=2349549" target="_blank" class="bb-url">This guy</a> is up for auction.<br>He will go as is, intact, unnamed, untrained.<br>The colour is a 2OAK, and the breed is horrid to get to 10x4. which was my purpose.. I think I got Whippets to 8x4 but their hyper is crud.<br>Of course, being intact, I won't just sell him to anyone. I need to make sure in a months time that there isn't a hundred Thor gifties out there!<br><br>SB: 1mil<br>HB: ?<br>BIN: 15mil<br>MBI: 1mil<br><br>Ending date: 10th Oct.<br>Happy Bidding! xD</span></span>
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
See that dog in my signature? He's mine )
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.