Because it is a wolf hybrid, it is similar to a mutt, in that breed colors of the parents are not special. Mutts and wolf hybrids are able to take colors from their parent breeds, in which case it turns to just another breed color. It's not a giftie color. <br><br>The only exception would be if you bred a mutt and/or hybrid with a giftie colored parent. You could then argue it's a giftie color, but it's still not 'native' to the breed in question. Now if you actually dyed the hybrid that color, it would be a giftie, but otherwise it's just a plain color.<br><br>It is indeed misleading and could result in some nasty consequences if you advertise it as a giftie. Someone could purchase it, find out for a fact it's a breed color, and you could get reported. Just keep in mind that you can get in trouble for selling a dog under false pretenses (i.e., claiming it's a giftie when it's not), as it is classified as scamming.
See that dog in my signature? He's mine )
See that dog in my signature? He's mine )
See that dog in my signature? He's mine )
See that dog in my signature? He's mine )
656 Gifties
See that dog in my signature? He's mine )
On an indefinite hiatus.