I can't afford much, I only have a little under a mil, and can't sell my dogs. I've tried all I can. I like the blue wolf, but would rather have a custom.
on the horse your back legs look a little thin, maybe fatten them out a touch, your bent front leg looks a little short compared to the other legs, i know it will look shorter anyway but the distance between the knee and foot looks a tad short compared to the other legs. Hope this helps Other than that the drawing looks really good. I don't know much about shading so I can't comment there. <br><br>If I wanted to price one I would definitely say you could get away with starting at 1mil just for the lines.
on the horse your back legs look a little thin, maybe fatten them out a touch, your bent front leg looks a little short compared to the other legs, i know it will look shorter anyway but the distance between the knee and foot looks a tad short compared to the other legs. Hope this helps Other than that the drawing looks really good. I don't know much about shading so I can't comment there. <br><br>If I wanted to price one I would definitely say you could get away with starting at 1mil just for the lines.
When shading, don't just add shading to the edge of the lines. Horses and dogs are lumpy, so light will show up rib cages/tendons/muscles etc etc. <br><br>You'll want to study their anatomy a bit more, and check out different stock pictures. Also try experimenting with colour, a bay horse is not just brown. They have sometimes purple-ish and orange-ish shading to them.<br><br>Here are a couple of colourings I did ages ago (4 years ago roughly), which aren't brilliant but show a use of different colours and that shading isn't restricted to just the lines. (These are just colourings I did, I did not draw the lines):<br><br><a href="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/216/2/8/28a6c2dc07dc1b3773988697220653a1.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Link</a><br><a href="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/353/9/7/VHR___Bay_Sabino_Arab_by_0paperwings0.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Link</a>
When shading, don't just add shading to the edge of the lines. Horses and dogs are lumpy, so light will show up rib cages/tendons/muscles etc etc. <br><br>You'll want to study their anatomy a bit more, and check out different stock pictures. Also try experimenting with colour, a bay horse is not just brown. They have sometimes purple-ish and orange-ish shading to them.<br><br>Here are a couple of colourings I did ages ago (4 years ago roughly), which aren't brilliant but show a use of different colours and that shading isn't restricted to just the lines. (These are just colourings I did, I did not draw the lines):<br><br><a href="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/216/2/8/28a6c2dc07dc1b3773988697220653a1.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Link</a><br><a href="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/353/9/7/VHR___Bay_Sabino_Arab_by_0paperwings0.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Link</a>
<br><br><br>I see what you mean, thanks Paper! I will definitely try that out!
When shading, don't just add shading to the edge of the lines. Horses and dogs are lumpy, so light will show up rib cages/tendons/muscles etc etc. <br><br>You'll want to study their anatomy a bit more, and check out different stock pictures. Also try experimenting with colour, a bay horse is not just brown. They have sometimes purple-ish and orange-ish shading to them.<br><br>Here are a couple of colourings I did ages ago (4 years ago roughly), which aren't brilliant but show a use of different colours and that shading isn't restricted to just the lines. (These are just colourings I did, I did not draw the lines):<br><br><a href="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/216/2/8/28a6c2dc07dc1b3773988697220653a1.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Link</a><br><a href="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/353/9/7/VHR___Bay_Sabino_Arab_by_0paperwings0.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Link</a>
<br><br><br>I see what you mean, thanks Paper! I will definitely try that out!
<br><br><br>I think you should start adding these to your layouts too!
Training Kennel
Main Kennel
Training Kennel
Main Kennel
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
Training Kennel
Main Kennel
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Training Kennel
Main Kennel