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Castiel! (Pic included)

So, I decided to buy a new show horse! I have never shown before, so I bought a horse that is used to showing. He is a 10 or 11 year old American Saddlebred that shows country pleasure. I am obsessed with the CW's show Supernatural, so I renamed him Heaven's Asset Castiel. He is a totally sweety and takes care of me. Below is a pic of him, I will get some better ones later. (I know he is sweaty, I had just free lunged him before I took the pic).<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />


  • so youve got two now? Thats exciting!
  • Yeah. At least, two for now. My sister (ahs15 or Sahara in game) is looking to buy a 4 year old paint draft. She wants me to help, so I might have more than two soon. The most I have ever had at one time is 5 horses, but I didn't like that. At that point, I was riding three horses a day just to make sure everyone got love and attention. And that got to be a bit much.
  • i know the feeling! Ive got four (luckily one is a broodmare and the other is a long yearling) and im actually thinking about getting a resell project whom happens to have a baby =3
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