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Banner Frustation!

edited August 2012 in Vent
Soo I made 5 banners, after I was done I went to to turn them into a slideshow. Yea, that didn't happen >.< It goes from banner #1 to banner #2, then back to #1! I tried other sites, but they make the banner dimensions weird. If anybody wants to do me a huge favor and animate them for me, I'd appreciate it a LOT (I'll pay you of course).


  • I think you can do it on GI,p, I know you can do animations on Photoshop and I think there is an animations setting on gimp also. I don't use gimp so I'm not sure how to do it, but you would save it as a gif file. You could also do it in JavaScript code, if I can find the source code I used once I'll PM you but could take a while due to my laptop being repaired.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Unfortunately I don't have GIMP or PhotoShop. Somebody PM'd me though and is going to try to do it for me. Thanks for the info though :)
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