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  • Another things is all these people are on and none of us talk together! There used to be a whole community of people who all knew each other and communicated but now we all stay to our own devices and dont even KNOW each other more than money deals ect. Theres no "bonding" like we used to have =(
    <br><br>*clings to Vampy* BOND WITH ME! <3
  • *flails!!!* Too much bonded!!! Too much!!! *faints*
  • *flails!!!* Too much bonded!!! Too much!!! *faints*
    <br><br>rofl. mission accomplished ^.^
  • LOL! I actually do consider us slightly bonded Coaster! Ro bonding xD LOL!
  • LOL! I actually do consider us slightly bonded Coaster! Ro bonding xD LOL!
    <br><br>Exactly! We've both been playing for a while and it just took a while to find something to really bond about ^.^ turns out our horses were the perfect answer xP
  • of course! Thanks sadly (for other people) all i ever talk about bwa ha ha!
  • Haha I'm the same way ^.^<br><span style="font-size:85">(by the way, I'll do a big update on both Ro and Knip on thursday or friday)</span>
  • =O i have the most beautiful pics of my Roman i need to put up. Theyre sooo cute and sweet! Gah! Im always late with them! I cant wait to seeeee!!
  • Totally, there used to be "groups" of people - like at school lol but you'd all kinda know each other. Now, I know maybe a handful of people since the ones I did know have left -grumbles-<br><br>But as long as we are not spammed to death with bloody one direction crap, people should more be talkative!<br><br>And Bobolu, there is nothing wrong with being stuck in chat with just us >=D I think I do a pretty good job in looking after chat on my own hahaa xD<br><br>But I am still working on this crazy train-off I mentioned previously, that I hope you ALL take part in =) Shall probably try convince people with a free pair of ports or a doodle (if you've seen my stuff in the art section lately - something like that) as a "thanks for taking part" prize. So even if you don't come 1st/2nd/3rd you'll still have something at the end of it ^^ But you do have to actually take part and complete the event XD You won't get a prize for signing up and doing sod all with your entrants XD<br><br>I'll try look into setting up a trivia bot to have in chat, and maybe we could start having trivia nights once a week for a bit of cash/ports/training - I'd say 10x4s but I've only really got border collies and mini aus shepherds at the moment lmao and I'm sure you'd get sick of winning them XD Might try encourage people to come hang out in there a bit more. But I swear if you come into chat asking where to buy a dog I will beat you D:
    ^ Click for comics
  • PaperWings wrote:
    <br><br>But as long as we are not spammed to death with bloody one direction crap, people should more be talkative!<br><br>And Bobolu, there is nothing wrong with being stuck in chat with just us >=D I think I do a pretty good job in looking after chat on my own hahaa xD<br><br>
    <br><br>1. ROFL at the one direction thing xP<br>2. I never said it was bad! lmao I love being in chat with you! <3
  • Every time im in chat there is nobody talking =(
  • Every time im in chat there is nobody talking =(
    <br><br>Ditto! I stop by occasionally and I can be in there for an hour with 10 people in there and not one person will say a word. Or someone will say hi and that's it. No continuing the conversation or anything. I will try to make an effort to get into chat more. Because to be honest, Simm is really the only person I talk to regularly on this game.
  • PaperWings wrote:
    But as long as we are not spammed to death with bloody one direction crap, people should more be talkative!
    <br><br>Hallelujah! I'm not the only one!<br><br><br>In a case as extreme as this, I feel there is only one thing we can do.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • I'm always here...too often (I really do need to get a life :D). I'm not much of a talker though...You guys intimadate(sp?) me D: lol kidding
  • we should RnR xD
  • Strange as I'm in there like every night o.O from about 5pm til midnight gmt time. Practically all the time at the weekend unless I've fallen asleep xD <br><br>There is 2-3 players I talk to lots. But I always seem to be the scary op that no one really wants to talk to hahaa<br><br>If there is two of me in the room then I am most likely about -maybe just away from my desk to get food or to walk dog. But I've always a connection in chat which might be a bit misleading. But if I've not got one in there and everyone leaves chst then the exception list drops and I end up stuck in the broadband =( yeah chat is that dead these days it results in just me and puppy!<br><br>And yeah the one direction crap was going to send me over the edge and maybe hand out a few forum points for spamming xD they are like so last year. England are over them already!
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  • *points at Vampy and cries* Bullier!!
  • Im moving to England!!!
  • *points at Vampy and cries* Bullier!!
    <br><br>No proof!!!
  • B...b...but! *sigh* Fine >.>
  • bwa ha ha! Vamp-bully strikes again!
  • bwa ha ha! Vamp-bully strikes again!
    <br><br>Well that was smart. You just admitted! *calls in all the OPs* arrest her!<br><br> :lol:
  • Ima vampire!!! What can an op do?! <br><br><span style="font-size:50">just kidding ops! Ima good vamp!!!</span>
  • <span style="color:#8000BF">Wow the short time I was away this thread took off like wildfire O.o I've maybe been in chat like twice lol. I'm usually online when I'm home on dial up since I've got to do class work when on fast wifi. And well chat + wifi = no loading ... I hate my internet >_< Add into that equation that I'm usually on late at night like between 11pm-4am O.o Like now its 3:14am lol.</span>
  • bwa ha ha! Vamp-bully strikes again!
    <br><br>Well that was smart. You just admitted! *calls in all the OPs* arrest her!<br><br> :lol:
    <br><br>What ops? Hahaa >.><br><br>Lol I don't get other timezones xD I know what time it is for sim but that is it! Also is 9.40am for me now. Stuck at work til 5 =( but at least I've someone to amuse me so is all good if he isn't being moody >.>
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  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#800000">Whooaaaaaa.<br>Para! Totally agree with you, WILDFIRE. hahahahaha<br><br>The last few days I haven't been on much.. been busy with some RL stuffs.<br>Zagggyyyyy. <3<br><br>Everyone should have chat open 24/7.<br>Like I'm going to start doing.. xD<br><br>AVENGERS. ohmahgawd so excited. I should get my dvd tomorrow so when I get home from work I'll be putting that beauty on ASAP. hahahaha <3 <3</span></span>
  • Time feels like it has stopped so I'll never be getting home at this rate! Not that I'm looking forward to climbing about in the attic to find a storage thing to go in my wardrobe D:<br><br>Also I am actually looking forward to going swimming. Been slacking a bit this last week!
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  • I will! As long as i am home or dont have classes i will have chat open! However i do have horses to ride so i need some time for that. Ill change my name accordingly xD <br><br>I know the whole slacking thing paper!! I have to ride my fat and sassy horse this weekend and i havent been on her in a month..... and i keep telling myself "its supposed to rain that day so its no big deal!!" and i havent gotten on her though ive been saying i was all week.... oh my!
  • Once I get my laptop back then I will have chat constantly open when I am online, unless I am in a class where I need to pay massive amounts of attention
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Can't use rain as an excuse - pool is indoors hahaa. Just Wednesday I was very tired. Friday dad ordered Chinese so totally had to stay to eat that. Then Monday just gone was a public holiday so pool shut super early. <br><br>No excuse for today! Anyway I want to go swim hahaa. Can't lose weight sleeping or eating Chinese!<br><br>Got holiday the week after next so will be online lots getting my train off up and running =D
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