Well I want to make some extra money before summer break comes to an end and I am busy with school
I will be training two sets of 100 years. The first set will be trained first followed by the seccond set. Training for first set will/can start as soon as bin/sold. Training for the seccond sent will start when the first set is completly down, no exeptions. The only way for the seccond set to be trained first is if it is bined first.<br><br>#1-<br>HB:<br>SB:500k<br>BIN-12million<br>MBI-500k<br>Reserve-Not Met<br><br>#2-<br>HB:<br>SB:500k<br>BIN-10million<br>MBI-500k<br>Reserve-Not Met<br><br>This will end August 14, 2012, or when it is all bined.<br><br>*Edit* I will also take certain dog/goodies/upgrades for trade instead of VPC. Please PM to discuss that.
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314