<br><br><span style="color:#FF8000">That looks more like a peach orange color. Can you use this color? <span style="font-weight:bold">FF6C00</span></span>
<br><br><span style="color:#FF8000">That looks more like a peach orange color. Can you use this color? <span style="font-weight:bold">FF6C00</span></span>
Style # (1, 2 or 3): 1<br>Custom Headers (y/n): No.<br>(if yes...) Header Titles Wanted: N/A<br>Colors: light blue (like sky blue?), light pink,white and black? whatever looks good from those colors.<br>Theme: <br>Mood: <br>Images: collies and blue picardy spaniels ( and a bird of some sort as the subtext means she flies with her own wings)<br>Top Banner Main Text: [ʞD]Music's Abercrombie Creek Kennels.<br>TB Subtext: Alis Volat Propriis<br>Bottom Banner Text: N/A<br>Other: Thank you! have fun with it <br>Total Price: 3mill right?
Style # (1, 2 or 3):#1<br>Custom Headers (y/n): No thanks<br>(if yes...) Header Titles Wanted:<br>Colors: medium gray (background please), dark purple, and white<br>Theme:<br>Mood:<br>Images: Any dog breeds doing different events<br>Top Banner Main Text: Muddy Water Eventing Kennel<br>TB Subtext: Champions of Today and Tomorrow<br>Bottom Banner Text:<br>Other: If you have a paw print brush, could you add that to the banner please?<br>Total Price: 3 Mill
Style # (1, 2 or 3): 2<br>Custom Headers (y/n): Nope<br>Colors: Blues, Green, and Orange (Or anything thing else you think might go.)<br>Theme: Happy<br>Mood: Happy<br>Images: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/davehamster/3715915507/" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://www.flickr.com/photos/davehamster/3715915507/</a><br>Top Banner Main Text: This is the time to be more than a name or a face in the crowd-David Cook<br>TB Subtext: None<br>Bottom Banner Text: Mac Cats Shelter Owned by Mac cat<br>Other: Your welcome to mess around with colors and pictures and stuff as long as the picture is a dog doing agility.<br>Total Price: 5million, I think.
Style # (1, 2 or 3): 2<br> Custom Headers (y/n): yes<br> (if yes...) Header Titles Wanted: The Kennel & Owner, Services, Goals & Accomplishments, Friends<br> Colors: Dark<br> Theme: Bullying (how it needs to stop)<br> Mood: Sadness, Depressing,fear.<br> Images: This is all up to you ^.^ (I don't want images of the band Botdf though, even though it's their song)<br> Top Banner Main Text: "I thank everyone that has caused me to suffer, without you I would have no reason to express myself" - Unknown (can the unknown be smaller text?)<br><br> TB Subtext: Okay I know you watched the video, I was wondering if you could in someway put an overlay of the words like on the chalk board in the video "where were we" and "no one is listening" Just like all over the top banner. (without the "" though, please)<br> Bottom Banner Text: Through mercy and compassion we can end all suffering.<br> Other: Thanks!<br> Total Price: 5.5
Style # (1, 2 or 3): 2<br>Custom Headers (y/n): nah<br>(if yes...) Header Titles Wanted:<br>Colors: lighter shades of blue,pink,green,yellow, and purple (dont have to use all of them)<br>Theme: Peaceful,happy<br>Mood: same and theme<br>Images: As for the background any kind of nature shot with the sun glowing in the background or from the side. And then just any kind of dogs maybe three at the most. and I would like at least one to be a mutt<br>Top Banner Main Text: AfterGlowRescue<br>TB Subtext: Dedicated To Changing Lives! Eventing Rescues, Giving Second Chances, And Making stars!<br>Bottom Banner Text:<br>I was once sad and lonely,<br>Having nobody to comfort me,<br>But then I found where I belong ,<br>Where I was made a star and always felt special<br>This Place I Found Was AfterGlowRescue's Kennel<br><br>Other: If you could please have the bottom banner have a dog on it as if he were thinking what its saying<br>Total Price: 5 mil I believe
AfterGlowRescue! Dedicated to Changing lives! Eventing Rescues,Giving Second Chances, And Making Stars
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314