So, tonight after my Shih-Tzu, Pookie had some.. Let's say bathroom issues, we've decided to switch food. I feel this has nothing to do with her health, as she has been to the vet recently and we were told her health was "remarkable". Upon googling it, it appears other people have had problems as well. According to another website, the high protein is to blame. Currently, she is on Innova's Evo. I'm kind of upset, because besides this, it appears to be a great food. <br><br>So, I guess we're just looking for suggestions. Blue Buffalo is out of the question, as Pookie just won't eat it, this was the reason we switched to Evo. I want something that is geared towards small or low activity dogs, just because Shih-Tzu's can have weight problems. Also, Wellness is a food my mom wants to look into, what do you guys think of that?
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