<a href="
http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t513/Paranormal-Wolf/Commissions and Such/TEoVP.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t51 ... /TEoVP.jpg</a><br><br>I made a club so apply! Toy breeds only there may be exception if it's a toy but in diff catogeory <br><br>Club: <a href="
http://virtualpups.com/viewclub.php?pid=462182" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://virtualpups.com/viewclub.php?pid=462182</a><br><br><br>TEoVP is focused on the toy breeds that event on vp. Events of all kinds will be available for this class only. We strive to work with the best tiny eventers VP has to offer. Events: <br>Obedience, Showmanship, Agility, Flyball, Conformation and more <br>Don't be afraid to enter I accept everyone even if ur missing one thing!:) so apply!<br>Admissione Information: <br>Requirements: <br>-Dogs must be a toy breed <br>-Dogs must be named <br>-Dogs must be fully trained, 280/200 in skills and stat maxed with aggro optional <br>-Owner must have 100 in handling skill, please be honest when applying <br>-Prefer active eventers <br>-Please send the form below to Emsta** after applying dog <br><br>Form: <br>-How many dogs are applying? <br>-Name and breed of applicants <br>-Do you have 100 in handling skill? <br>-Do you plan on eventing regularly? <br>-What events do you prefer?<br><br>Post the form or pm it to me!
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