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Grrrr....... Stupid Phones!

edited July 2012 in Vent
So this morning I was planning on sleeping in till about noon. I was curled up in bed, nice and comfy, deep asleep when all of a sudden a phone blasts right next to my ear. My brother had stolen my phone and hung it from my fan right next to my ear then called me. Honestly, I have no idea how he could have reached my fan without me hearing! My room is 12 feet tall, so in order to reach it he would of had to gone out to the shed, found my dads big ladder, brought it into my room, set it up, climbed up with string, tied it to my fan, climbed back down, tied my phone right above my head, and taken the ladder back to the shed, all without me hearing him. So I am still very puzzled over this, bet either way, I am going to kill him! He called my phone at 6:30 AM. Not a fun time to wake up, especially for me to loud nosies. So, I am kind of grumpy, and extremely mad at my brother, who is laughing his head off right now while he is telling my sister and her boyfriend. Not cool..........


  • Oh goodness. The things a brother will do for a prank...<br><br>One time while I was asleep my older brother took my room's heavy ass door off it's hinges but left it there, so when I tried to open the door the entire thing collapsed on top of me... that hurt.<br><br>On another occasion he unhinged the toilet seat completely, waited for me to go into the bathroom, then burst in with a water hose and started spraying me. <br><br>OH. And lets not forget the time he got EVERY pair of pants I own and stapled the leg parts together. <br><br>THEN he emptied his cologne bottles out all over my clothes. I smelled like a boy wearing too much cologne for weeks!!<br><br>As you can see... I am tortured my my bruh. -___-
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Wow! My brother did the door thing once too, only it fell out instead of on me, luckily. This phone prank was the biggest thing he had every done. It was so bizarre I wasn't ever expecting it. I always keep my phone on vibrate, so I wasn't expecting to hear a ring. It scared me so much! Yesterday he took some screws out of my computer chair so when I sat down, the whole thing collapsed into pieces below me. I swear, brothers are cruel!
  • My two younger brothers are both VERY small for their age, one is 13 and barely 4 ft tall and the other is 8 year old brother is barely 3 ft tall. Well they decided that they were going to get on the top of my closet rack and into the pile that I had up there to go through. I went in there to get the pile and they pounced on to my face. BOTH of them on my face! It hurt s bad!<br><br>The other day the 13 year old one unattached my door knob and hid it as a joke and so he could hear my friend and me talk about things that he was not allowed to hear and we did not notice until the next day. We asked for it back and he FORGOT where he put it. Now I have no door knob.<br><br>When I was younger the 13 year old one and I pulled a prank on our mom and T.P'd her fan and her room. It was so much fun and even my mom laughed and helped up clean up. It was some good clean fun, but now my brothers are just mean prankers!
    If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
  • Haha, I can agree with that! All brothers are rude! <br><br><br>Once, my brother thought it would be funny to hide in my desk. So he climbed into one of the little compartments(they were big and he could squeeze in) and wait until her heared me sit down. Then he exploded right beside me and I swear people 100 miles away could here me scream. It was the scariest thing that he has ever done!
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