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A small step for dog... (Image Heavy)

edited July 2012 in Artist Alley
...a giant leap for Kaz kind.<br><br>I've learned to draw expressions. Kind of. This is a huge deal for me. For the longest time I was told that realistic was the only way to go, and I longed to draw the cartoony, expressiveness of Disney.<br><br>And then I stopped caring and just sat down to draw puppies. And I pulled off -expression-.<br><br>*glee*<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Character Names:<br>Explicit Content ("Ex") - Everyday I'm Shuffling ("Shuffle")<br>Fantabulous ("Fanta") - Blueberry Pie ("Blueberry")<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Character Names:<br>Honor Above All ("Aku") - Footloose Fellow ("Fellow")<br>Occam's Razor ("Razor") - Kill The Lights ("Kayla")<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Under Lock And Key ("Key") - Monster Mash ("May")<br>Mr. Dog ("Mr. Dog") - Up My Sleeve ("Ace")<br><br><br><br>More to come, as I draw them.<br>I am so thrilled. <3


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