So i've come to the conclusion that not everyone has the same definition of being a friend.<br><br>Background information:<br>Characters: Girls: Myself, Mae and Alyssa. Boys: Anthony, Nitish and Corey.<br>Nitish, Steven and Anthony are best friends. All the girls are best friends.<br><br>I was dating Nitish and Alyssa was dating Corey. Nobody approved of Alyssa and Corey because there was a 17 year age difference but we were all still friends because it's not "right" to vote someone off the "friend island" just because you don't approve of the person that they like. Mae refused to talk to Alyssa because she didn't want to tell her that they were dating for fear of being judged. I ended things with Nitish for completely unrelated reasons and he was very upset. Anthony and Nitish then got together and plotted a way to "get even" for me having hurt him. So they decided that Anthony would pretend to like Mae and date her just to break up with her and hurt her, in turn hurting me because she's my best friend. Word of this plan got around and we found out and were able to warn Mae before anything got too serious.<br><br>Story:<br>Last week, about 3ish months later, Mae made plans with me to get together and go play bingo then bailed last minute saying that she had to go visit her grandparents. Fine, things come up right? So then today I ran in to Alyssa at the store and she stopped to say hi and she told me that Mae and Anthony were dating again. She said that they've been together a couple of weeks now. As you could imagine I was upset that Mae hadn't told me this herself yet being that Mae was one of my "best friends". So later I texted Mae and she told me that she didn't want to tell me because I wouldn't have approved of them seeing each other...imagine that after having heard the plan that he initially had and knowing that a good chunk of that plan was still accurate with what's going on right now. I then went on to find out that when she "went to visit her grandparents" that she actually didn't want to hang out with me because she'd rather hang out with Anthony.<br><br>All in all I'm just very hurt by the person that said she was my friend then decided to be a hyporcrit (not talking to Alyssa because Alyssa didn't tell her for fear of disapproval), lying to me about where she was going and what she was doing after she specifically chose to make plans with me (she chose the date and everything) and then pretending like there's nothing wrong with any of it. I thought friends were supposed to tell each other things like that and be truthful with each other...I guess I was wrong on that
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt