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Alright Fendi is/will be breed to Black Tie tomorrow!! So I am going to have a guessing game 1 mill for whoever is closet to the new foal!<br>Color:<br>Gender:<br>Markings:<br><br>This is the sire:<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; Fendi is bay the only white she has is her face. <br>Fendis perents are chesnut.<br><br> I am hoping the foal will be born around May.


  • Color: Brown<br>Gender: Female<br>Markings: Crooked Blaze
  • This sounds neat :) <br>Don't know a lot about horses but here goes<br><br>Color: dark brownish black<br>Gender: female<br>Markings: White patch on her forehead and a little white on her legs above the hoves
  • Keep the guesses coming !
  • Color: dark bay<br>Gender: female<br>Markings: white star, two white socks
  • Thank you!! I just love how everyone is giessing female ahhaa
  • Thank you!! I just love how everyone is giessing female ahhaa
    <br>I have a colt right now and I was hoping it would be a filly so I'm passing my failed wish to you xD
  • Hahahaha!! I think more people buy colts since you geld them and they "should" be a little clamer! lolol<br><br><br> You may put more then one guess in!
  • Color: Bay<br>Gender: colt<br>Markings: Star with two back socks
  • Hahaha Thank you! Vampie!
  • 2nd guess since we can have more than one ^.^<br><br>Color: dark brownish black<br>Gender: Male<br>Markings: White patch on forehead and white socks on back feet
  • Color:dark bay<br>Gender:filly<br>Markings:white socks <br><br>Color:dark bay<br>Gender:colt<br>Markings:white socks<br>-takes monies-;)<br><br>fake entry :mrgreen: <br>Color:The newborns color<br>Gender:the newborns gender<br>Markings:the newborns markings<br>-me win lol jk-

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  • Color:dark bay<br>Gender:filly<br>Markings:white socks <br><br>Color:dark bay<br>Gender:colt<br>Markings:white socks<br>-takes monies-;)<br><br>fake entry :mrgreen: <br>Color:The newborns color<br>Gender:the newborns gender<br>Markings:the newborns markings<br>-me win lol jk-

    I'm A Proud Directioner, Are You?
    Go One Direction!
    Go Directioners!
  • Color- dark bay<br>Gender- female<br>Markings- star and a sock on one of her back legs. <br><br>Color-dark bay<br>Gender-female<br>Markings-Stripe and a snip, sock on back legs
  • I am hoping fora dark foal! But I like chesnuts!
  • It's almost certain you'll get a bay or a brown, probably with white socks and/or a snip/stripe.
  • Theres a small chance of a chestnut. When i calculated it out there is around a 12% chance because I know Black Tie carriers a hidden red gene. Im not sure about Fendi but she would have to carry one as well to have a chance of a chestnut and then its still only 12%. Most likely you will get a bay. I believe there is a... 66% chance or so when i calculate it out. Black tie is Ee and Fendi is either EE or Ee. (Ee is black based with a hidden red gene. EE is black based with no red. If Fendi is EE you woulnt get a red foal) Bow tie has no agouti gene (agouti restricts black to just the points aka mane, legs, nose, ears) and Fendi obviously does. Fendi's agouti status will determine whether you get a black or a bay foal from her. If she's AA you will not be able to get a black from her as she will always pass down her agouti but if she is Aa then you have a chance she will not pass it down. Theres a 22% chance of a black.
  • It really doesnt matter what the color or gender is. As long as the baby is heathly!!
  • No bad color for a good horse
  • I couldnt agree more! I just did this for fun! :)
  • I had one up myself when Roman was still unborn. =). I just put the genetic info up because i figured someone might care enough to read it! Plus i had never looked into the agouti/black/bay argument before and it gave me a good reason to do so.
  • Hahah!! The owner of Black Tie said that Fendi was very good during the breeding.
  • Thats good. Did you do LC or A.I? I had a mare A.Ied this year but she didnt take =( no baby for the this year!
  • I am sorry what?? I am having a blind moment! lol. Oh I am sorry! That is always sad :(
  • Live Coverage or Artificial Insemination? Was she bred by being put with the stallion or did the vet make her pregnant?
  • Live Coverage. I am sorry! I am tired. She is with the stallion till Sunday. I miss my baby lol.
  • Its all good. Is she approved AHS or RPSI?
  • I want to get my TB approved one of these days. Right now i can afford the trip though.
  • Color: Dark bay<br>Gender: Colt<br>Markings: A large blaze that goes down from his/her forehead to his/her nose; thick at forehead and gets thinner towards his/her nose, a snip in the middle of his/her nostrils that goes upward and gets thinner, and three socks; both back legs and the front right one.
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