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Ugh people are so mean!

edited July 2012 in Vent
So I go to this beach and there are baby du ks and there mama and these kids diff every day think it's funny and cool to <br>Throw rocks at the ducks lash water on them squirt them with water guns and chase them and more it's just so mean and who would be mean to a baby animal!?!!? I tell them to stop most listen if they don't i tell owner of beach and he tells on loud speaker a whole ,estate and that helps but I'm so :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :roll: :evil: :twisted: god it's so mean grrrr im just soupsrt its really mean and then the ducks get scared<br>so I just had to vent god I'm still grrrrr :twisted: :evil: <br><br>I feed them pancakes :mrgreen: and bread<br><br>Keep in note I'm [edited by staff; do NOT give out your age or other personal information]<br>Ok vent over :|

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  • Thats horrible, I used to chase ducks because I wanted to catch one and take it home... cause they are cutes
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • They are cute:) once this kid caught a duck and held it by the throat a s the duck was freakin out:( :/

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  • NO! NO! NO! You do not hold ducks by the throat, stupid kid. What was the kid trying to do kill it? pfft people make me mad
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • How good there parents let them do this??
  • parents here are bad:( not mine tho:)

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  • I've noticed a lot of parents seem to let their kids do whatever they want :( <br>Good for you though Emmy telling them to stop or reporting them to the beach owner, they don't need to be tormenting little animals
  • I KNOW! THERE ARE BABY animals<br><br>true story! Mama gone wild:)<br>the mama duck and babies were eating pancakes and a seagull came in and stole a baby ducks food tried to anyways and when the seagull was about to get the food the mother duck jumped on the seagull and almost drowned him! the seagull was 2 feet above the water and the mother duck bit its but/tail thing and hung on then chased him away! that really happened me and my parents and everyone was like OMG that bird is not coming back but the duck bit the seagull!!! grrrr :mrgreen: <br><br>soo that mama duck :P brave thing

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  • the story about the duck made me smile :D well done to mama ducky <3
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • ya but it was a experience it was funny and true

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  • dont mess with mama ducks... clearly... also don't mess with mother goose either... when I was younger I went down the canal for a bike ride with my parents, and we ended up having to put the bikes into someone's field and climb over to get past the geese cause they were trying to bite people... and then my dad warned this other cyclist and the cyclist took no notice (if i remember correctly it was a man, this was like about 10years ago) and the cyclist ended up getting bitten by the goose cause she was protecting her gosling's.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt

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